The following are the main points from Alternate Foreign Minister Mariliza Xenogiannakopoulou’s interview on 105.8 Radio, with journalists Takis Sarantis and Panagiotis Tsoutsias:
[on the negotiations on the EU financial support mechanism]
• “Our position is clear. We want a European mechanism with sufficient funding for confronting crises. We do not agree with the proposal for private sector participation. At the same time, however, we have put forward other proposals that we think might be used to strengthen the European dimension of the mechanism and the adequacy of its funding. One such proposal is the issuing of a European bond that would also be a way to secure funding for such a mechanism for the needs of countries facing problems.”
• “We need to prepare seriously for this critical European Council. We can’t have any surprises. For there to be a focussed revision of the Treaty, there needs to be a clear framework for the mechanism we agree on. So I consider these two issues to be a single package. And given that next year will see the beginning of another major discussion on EU finances and the Community budget after 2013 – which includes the Common Agricultural Policy, the Cohesion Fund, and all the Community Support Framework funding – we in no way accept the linking of the two discussions. That is, we are saying that the discussion at the December European Council cannot predispose these critical negotiations.”
[on Greece’s voice in Europe]
• “Greece once again has a credible voice in Europe, because everyone now recognizes that we are making a huge effort at this time. They acknowledge the changes that are being made and the great sacrifices the Greek people are making.”
November 25, 2010