Interview highlights: Foreign Minister Lambrinidis on Vima FM with journalist T. Siafakas

[On Secretary of State Clinton’s visit and the economy]

In recent years, Greece really did lose control of its finances, but in the past year and a half – through seriousness, a huge effort and great sacrifices – it has been recovering. So, that’s no longer where the problem lies. The problem lies – and the Americans see this too – with the impression Europe may be giving that it can’t confront a relatively small problem until it gets much bigger; that is, our going from putting out a fire to a policy of firefighting.

[On Secretary of State Clinton’s visit and the Cyprus issue]

The Cyprus issue is and always has been a problem resulting from an invasion and an occupation. This is something that I reiterated to Ms. Clinton. Due to this invasion and occupation, in the case of the Turkish Cypriots, Ankara is playing a defining role in the negotiations. We also reiterated this. The potential for and will of the Republic of Cyprus to move ahead to a compromise is also a given. On the other hand, Mr. Eroglu has so far submitted proposals that do not move in the direction called for by the UN and the international community and what Ms. Clinton reaffirmed yesterday, which is a federal solution.

[On the upcoming EU Summit Meeting]

If a comprehensive solution is not found on Thursday, I think that very clear guidelines should be given regarding an eventual solution. But I hope and believe that Thursday will not see another controversial message or just a small step, because this can obviously send the wrong message.

The message proposed by Europe needs to be one that will fortify the debt system throughout Europe and send a positive message on the matter of growth throughout Europe. These two elements are what send the message that Europe is united and is not disintegrating; that Europe is taking brisk steps towards recovery for everyone. This will calm the markets and isolate the profiteers.

July 18, 2011