As early as in 2014 Germany and Greece decided to enhance their bilateral relations through closer cooperation. Thus, the Action Plan on Bilateral Cooperation was signed on 4th December 2016 by the Greek and German Ministers of Foreign Affairs. The Action Plan is a milestone in the relationship between Germany and Greece.
The plan aims to intensify
the bilateral relations on all levels and in all areas – politics,
economy, science, education, culture, and media as well as between the
civil societies of both countries.
On the basis of the Action
Plan, the third round of consultations at State Secretary level took
place in Berlin on 12th December 2019.
Reaffirming their commitment
to working together to build a united and stronger Europe, the Greek and
German competent Ministries for Foreign Affairs, Finance, Economy and
Energy, Interior, Agriculture, Labour and Social Affairs, Education and
Religious Affairs, Research, Youth and Cultural Affairs acknowledged
good progress in bilateral cooperation and agreed on the below list of
results so far achieved, as well as on perspectives for the work ahead,
with the aim to continue and intensify cooperation in their respective
domains. A special focus of the consultations was on supporting the
economy and investment, education and migration.
Both sides
agreed on the objective of a strong, sovereign and social European
Union, their dedication to the European Integration as well as to
I. Political Cooperation
Consultations between Ministries of Foreign Affairs
the aim of enhancing Europe as an international player and
strengthening the European contribution to global peace and security,
consultations between the Ministries of Foreign Affairs were held on a
range of topics inter alia Western Balkans, Turkey, China, Near and
Middle East. Both sides agreed on the importance of EU-Turkey relations.
Turkey, embedded in the Euro-Atlantic architecture, remains an
important, though at times very challenging partner. Both sides
reiterated their interest in a constructive relation with Turkey,
including at EU level, always in the framework provided by international
law and good neighbourly relations. Both sides stressed that the
Turkey-Libya Memorandum of Understanding on the delimitation of maritime
jurisdictions in the Mediterranean Sea infringes upon the sovereign
rights of third States, undermining Greek sovereignty and sovereign
rights in the Aegean and Eastern Mediterranean and contravenes the Law
of the Sea and therefore it cannot produce any legal consequences. The
German side expresses its full solidarity with Greece regarding these
actions by Turkey. At the same time, the continuing deterioration of
rule of law and fundamental rights in Turkey remains of serious concern
to the EU. Both sides agreed that significant improvement in these areas
is necessary. An important field of cooperation with Turkey concerns
migration, following the EU-Turkey Statement of 18/03/2016.
sides stressed their joint commitment to the EU-perspective for the
Western Balkans formulated back in 2003 in Thessaloniki and reconfirmed
in 2018 in Sofia. Due to its transformative and stabilizing effect, the
enlargement policy of the EU has been a success story. Both sides
expressed their disappointment that an agreement on opening accession
negotiations with Albania and North Macedonia has not been reached so
far and while expressing their belief that full compliance with the
agreed conditionality by both countries is necessary, Germany and Greece
reiterated their determination to advocate for a positive decision on
opening the accession negotiations with Albania and North Macedonia in
the foreseeable future.
Both sides agreed to intensify their dialogue
on the EU-China relations with a view to strengthening EU unity
vis-à-vis China and enhancing coherence of the EU policy approach
towards China.
Cooperation on security issues and migration
two sides, while remaining committed to their cooperation in internal
security, confirmed the progress that has been made in this field,
especially regarding border protection and migration management and
expressed their willingness to strengthen their cooperation.
Contact Points on countering human trafficking from both sides will be appointed in order to achieve direct communication and foster the operational cooperation.
Furthermore, there is a common support in the development of a common and integrated European policy for the management of the EU's external borders in the spirit of solidarity that must characterize EU Member States.
Moreover, there is a common support on establishing a common European Return and Relocation Mechanism so as to put coordinated pressure on third countries and tackle migrant smuggling networks.
Both sides agreed on the need of European High Level Conference including the Commission, UNHCR and EU Member States focusing on the relocation issue as the management of the unaccompanied minors’ issue should concern us all because it is linked to our humanity and our European culture.
The strengthening of the information exchange between the two countries to fight organized trafficking networks is an important factor.
Both sides agreed to strengthen their cooperation by deploying Police Liaison Officers regarding border controls and other Civil Servants regarding registration of asylum applications.
They are looking forward to a more operational role of FRONTEX.
Cooperation on better managing situations of refugees and migration
Germany and Greece are in close contact regarding renewed migratory pressure. The 5th Greek-German Migration Dialogue took place on 25th November 2019 in Athens. It offered a platform for mutual exchange in the field of asylum and migration. Both sides agreed to continue their close cooperation.
In recent months there
have been numerous meetings between Germany and Greece to ascertain
Greece’s needs in terms of bilateral support. The Federal Ministry of
the Interior, Building and Community and experts from the Federal Office
for Migration and Refugees, the Federal Police, and the Federal Agency
for Technical Relief visited Greece from 29 to 31 October 2019. The
mission was dedicated to identifying current challenges and specific
support requirements, in particular regarding material and technical
equipment and the transfer of expertise. The Federal Ministry of the
Interior, Building and Community and the authorities within its remit
were requested to study the feasibility of providing support at very
short notice.
II. Economic and technological cooperation
the aim of contributing to growth following Greece’s successful
completion of the support programme, both sides will continue to promote
investment and business cooperation. Two big events are planned for
2020 which underline the common efforts:
The Greek-German
Economic Forum in spring 2020 shall call high level representatives of
both governments and businesses to discuss opportunities for investment
and innovation for industry, research and society in Greece and Germany.
Germany will be the Honoured Country at the 85th edition of
Thessaloniki International Fair (TIF). The TIF will provide a unique
opportunity to highlight the significantly increased prospects for
collaboration between both countries and to showcase German technology,
innovation and culture.
Export promotion
Within the framework
of the EU Commission’s Structural Reform Support Service (SRSS), a
project to improve the export promotion of Greek products and services
was successfully completed and necessary follow-up measures have been
identified: a new project “Export Promotion Plus” has started in spring
The Greek government is developing a new export strategy
focusing on mainstreaming and consolidating all trade and investment
promotion tools under the coordination of the Greek Ministry of Foreign
Affairs. Export Promotion Plus’ Terms of Reference are being reviewed in
order to reflect the new strategy. Both sides are continuing to work in
good and close cooperation.
Both sides agree to facilitate
networking and the exchange of best practice for start-ups. As an
aligned project of the Market Entry Programme the Federal Ministry for
Economic Affairs and Energy will arrange an information tour of Greek
start-ups and multipliers to Germany in the second half of 2020.
in 2020 two additional projects are intended within the Market Entry
Programme, in February 2020 a business mission of German SME from the
waste and recycling industry sector and in the second half 2020 a
business mission of the water and sewage industry in Greece.
Important Projects of Common European Interest
the scope of the Important Projects of Common European Interest
(IPCEIs), both sides agreed to strengthen their bilateral cooperation so
as to enhance networking between Greek and German companies and be part
of European value chains. Greece has expressed its interest to be part
of the European Battery Innovation project as a Prospective Participant
and the German side welcomed its expression of interest in
participation, while both sides agreed to work closely together. Both
parties committed that this kind of cooperation will be eventually
expanded to additional IPCEIs.
Energy, Renewables, climate protection
the framework of TARES++/SRSS (Technical Assistance for renewable
energies and energy efficiency in Greece) as well as TARES4/SRSS
(Technical support for Clean Energy Investments in Greece), cooperation
between Germany and Greece in the field of renewables and energy
efficiency in Greece has been intensified. Steps have been made to
develop initiatives there as well as in the area of electricity systems
supporting long-term energy and climate planning in Greece for the
period up to 2050. Support by Germany will be provided in particular on
the analysis of the potential for the future development of clean energy
technologies in Greece, their integration into the national energy
system and the estimation of the related investment needs. Furthermore,
within the framework of the project “Technical support for the
implementation of the National Waste Management Plan (NWMP) of Greece” a
close partnership has also been developed in the field of sustainable
waste management and circular economy. In the context of the project
implementation, support is focused on the improvement of municipal waste
management, on specific regulatory issues of the waste sector and on
the management of specific waste categories. Within the European Climate
Initiative the German Ministry for the Environment is currently
supporting eight projects in Greece. Six further projects are to be
launched until the end of the year.
Both sides agree to enable
attempts for mobilising additional clean investments in order to achieve
smart, sustainable, competitive and inclusive growth. Both sides
encourage collaboration on the challenges of decarbonization in regions
economically dependent on coal/lignite production. Furthermore, both
sides encourage collaboration on innovative technologies and knowledge
exchange in the fields of Renewable Energy, in order to increase its
share in all sectors by transferring relevant experiences and best
practices (i.e. transport and especially e-mobility, local added-value
from enhanced cooperation in the fields of circular economy, variable
renewables combined with storage and demand response energy systems
aiming to stable operation of the power system, floating offshore wind
parks, biogas/biomethane injection to natural gas grids and energy
production in local communities), Energy Efficiency (i.e. concepts for
smart and sustainable buildings and cities) and smart sustainable forms
of increasingly green energy production. Cooperation shall be expanded
in research and development (R&D) in these fields, with the aim of
promoting innovative projects. Regarding e-mobility, exchange of
knowledge could be particularly useful in the areas of e-mobility market
organization, development of recharging public infrastructure,
integration of e-mobility traffic to the electricity grid, tax
incentives, subsidies and car use incentives.
With regard to the EU framework, both countries agree to exchange views and to further expand their fruitful cooperation.
Agri-Food Sector
use and development of new digital technologies in agriculture can
contribute to environmental and climate protection in both countries.
The respective Greek and German ministries will intensify their research
activities in this area and cooperate on the European level i. e. in
research networks such as the ERA-NET ICT AGRI-FOOD. Both sides agree to
work together to advance climate change mitigation and climate change
adaptation in agriculture and forestry ambitiously at European level.
sides expressed the willingness to cooperate regarding the new CAP
2021-2027 and the similar challenges which both the German and the Greek
agricultural sector face.
The German side encouraged participation
at the International Green Week and assured that agricultural networks
would be at their disposal.
III. Scientific, social, cultural and educational cooperation
Research and academic Cooperation
at the strengthening of science and innovation, the successful research
and innovation cooperation programme is being continued. In the
framework of the current bilateral cooperation programme 24 “2+2”-
projects with partners from academia and industry from both countries
are jointly funded with up to € 18 million for 3 years until 2021.
Topics cover a wide range of sectors from health and energy to
bio-economy and key enabling technologies. The two sides agreed to the
organization of a midterm-meeting in Germany in the first half of 2020
and a final conference in Greece in 2021. Moreover, outstanding results
of the cooperation shall be jointly presented to a wider interested
public at the Thessaloniki International Fair 2020.
Both sides
have confirmed their support to explore further potential for exchange
and cooperation in the field of knowledge and technology transfer
between German and Greek universities, research organizations, platforms
and institutes and connecting them with start-ups and the business
world. In the framework of the research and innovation programme both
sides appreciated that training measures, which have commenced in summer
2019 will be continued in Germany in the first half of 2020. These
measures will be combined with the midterm-meeting of the bilateral
research and innovation programme.
Both sides welcomed that the
German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and the Alexander von Humboldt
Foundation will continue their strong engagement in bilateral academic
and scientific exchange.
Germany and Greece will work closely
together during the upcoming German (2020) and Greek (2021) Presidencies
in the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance. Delegations of the
two countries at the IHRA have already launched a fruitful and
productive cooperation.
Both Germany and Greece have adopted the
IHRA's Working Definition of Anti-Semitism, the most universally
accepted and expertly driven definition of Anti-Semitism available
today. The IHRA unites governments and experts to strengthen, advance,
and promote Holocaust education, remembrance, and research worldwide.
Moreover, while mandated to focus on Holocaust-related issues, it is
resolved to take a leading role in combating the scourge of
Anti-Semitism which is once again on the rise.
Vocational Education and Training (VET)
in the field of Vocational Education and Training (VET) will be
reinforced. Both sides will enhance exchanging best practices for a
system that is quality and demand driven and ensures transitions from
education to decent jobs and lifelong learning. For this purpose, the
German side will host a study tour on dual VET for representatives of
Greek authorities and social partners in the beginning of 2020.
Labour and Social affairs
unemployment, guaranteeing fair wages to the labour force and ensuring
basic security benefits for the most vulnerable social groups is a
priority. Both sides share the joint understanding that social policies
should play a key role in making Europe more resilient to economic and
financial crises.
Over the last year, exchange of knowledge and
experience has taken place on issues such as labour market integration
of the long-term unemployed, youth unemployment, empowerment of women
and gender equality, assistance for single parent families, social
partnership/European Social Model and combat against undeclared work.
the regular meetings of experts the thematic exchange of ideas and
concepts continued with a focus on the opportunities and challenges for
sound integration of migrants into the labour market.
multi-annual cooperation between the Greek Manpower Employment
Organization (OAED) and the German Federal Employment Agency about the
Labour Market was successfully completed. A joint participation at the
Thessaloniki International Fair in September 2020 is envisaged.
two sides have entered into an intensive dialogue, on which
opportunities and challenges are being perceived with regard to the
implementation of the European Pillar of Social Rights (upward
convergence, minimum income protection and minimum wages in Europe).
With regard to upward convergence in the European Union, a jointly
organized trilateral event on Minimum Income Protection and Minimum
Wages in Europe with the participation of Cyprus, Germany and Greece
will take place in Athens on January 20th, 2020.
In addition both
sides will cooperate in the field of Active Labour Market Policies
(ALMPs), with special focus on training, reskilling and upskilling.
Cultural Cooperation
sides remain strongly committed to updating their bilateral Cultural
Agreement concluded in 1956 with the view to accommodating the
necessities, especially with regard to the status of cultural
institutions active in both countries. They agreed to reinitiate
negotiations and fixed a new date for the launch of cultural
consultations in the first trimester of 2020.
In light of the
above, they fully acknowledge the importance of convening a meeting of
experts. This expert group will evaluate the areas where the agreement
needs to be updated and/or extended in the fields of education.
sides reiterated the importance of promoting bilateral exchanges of
scientific personnel and technological know-how, and agreed to
particularly encourage the exchange of know-how and best practices
applied in the sector of Cultural and Creative Industries. In this
framework, both sides shall also explore all possible fund-raising
opportunities and encourage partnerships, synergies and artistic
residencies, as a way to advance cultural and creative professionals.
They also agreed to encourage the exchange of archaeological, medieval
and contemporary art exhibitions. They also exchanged views on the
importance of innovative scientific-research projects on climate change
and its consequences on monuments, as well as on immigration and the
integration of refugees into the social and cultural life of each
Germany will be Guest of Honour at the Thessaloniki Book
Fair in May 2020. The Book Fair will provide a unique opportunity to
showcase German literature and authors including an additional cultural
Both sides exchanged views on the merits of presenting
the Greek and German cultural heritage as well as contemporary art.
They encouraged cooperation in the fields of sharing knowledge and
experience on issues concerning research, study, preservation and
protection of cultural heritage, through the competent Greek and German
authorities, especially the German Archaeological Institute.
Furthermore, they encouraged the organization of meetings between the
two countries’ experts, the organization of seminars on the protection
and promotion of archaeological sites and monuments and the cooperation
in the framework of international organizations such as UNESCO in the
field of Cultural Heritage. They confirmed their willingness to further
enhance the fight against illicit trafficking in cultural goods within
the context of European and international law. The intention to enhance
the cooperation on combating illicit trafficking in cultural property
should be reflected in the future, updated Cultural Agreement.
IV. Cooperation at societal level
sides encouraged projects to promote mutual understanding between the
two societies and to dismantle prejudices and stereotypes. Both sides
reaffirmed the importance to include the events that took place in
Greece during the German occupation (1941-1944) in the secondary school
curricula, as foreseen in the Action Plan (Pillar IV.3.)
Agreement on the Greek-German Youth Office was signed on 4th July 2019.
Both sides reaffirmed their commitment to solve remaining issues in
order to facilitate the start of the Greek-German Youth Office’s
activities as soon as possible. In Leipzig, at the German headquarter of
the German-Greek Youth Office, a German-Greek youth BarCamp
(interactive format) on Europe took place in May 2019. The fourth
German-Greek Youth Forum is scheduled for May 2020 in Athens.
sides acknowledge the development of the Greek-German Assembly (DGV) as
a network of municipalities of both countries focusing on the exchange
of know-how and best practices in various topics of interest to local
and regional administrations The German side expresses hope for a
nomination of the Greek representative to the DGV as soon as possible.
The annual conference of the Greek-German Assembly took place in Erding,
Bavaria (5-7 November 2019) with more than 300 participants. It offered
a forum for continuing and deepening the exchange of knowledge as well
as experience and to build up and deepen municipal partnerships. The
next and 10th conference of the DGV will take place in Greece.
V. Follow-up
two sides remain committed to reviewing the implementation of the
Action Plan in the framework of follow-up meetings to be held in the
coming months in Athens and Berlin. The next round of consultations at
State Secretary level will take place in Athens in autumn 2020.
Berlin, 12th December 2019
December 13, 2019