G. Kotsiras: MPs of Greek heritage have made crucial, impactful contributions to promoting Greece’s image abroad
Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Giorgos Kotsiras met yesterday with a delegation from the World Hellenic Inter-Parliamentary Association (W.H.I.A.).
Mr Kotsiras briefed the members of the delegation regarding Greece's key foreign policy priorities and a number of actions implemented to strengthen the country’s bonds with the Greek Diaspora as part of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ Strategic Plan for Greeks Abroad.
The Deputy Minister underscored the crucial, impactful contributions that MPs of Greek heritage abroad have made to promoting the country’s image on the global stage and strengthening Greece’s partnerships with their countries of residence. As Mr Kotsiras stated, “We are firmly committed to maintaining regular, bilateral communications.”
The meeting was attended by the President of the W.H.I.A. Leonidas Raptakis, a Rhode Island state Senator, the Vice-President of the W.H.I.A., Effie Triantafilopoulos, MP of the Ontario Provincial Parliament, as well as the MPs and members of the W.H.I.A. Marietta Karamanli (France), Aris Babikian (Canada), George Michalakis (South Africa), Nicole Klarides (Connecticut, USA) and Steve Malagari (Pennsylvania, USA).
January 15, 2025