Minister of Foreign Affairs N. Dendias’ opening statement at the High-Level Conference on the European Perspective of the Western Balkans (Thessaloniki, 24 February 2020)

Minister of Foreign Affairs N. Dendias’ opening statement at the High-Level Conference on the European Perspective of the Western Balkans (Thessaloniki, 24 February 2020)“Dear colleagues, ladies and gentlemen,

let me thank you all for your participation in this high-level Conference on the European perspective of the Western Balkans. Allow me also to express my gratitude to the Croatian Presidency for its most valuable support to the Conference, as well as to the European Commission and the European External Action Service.

First of all, allow me to answer three key questions that might have passed through your minds. Why are we here? Why now? And why us?

Why here?
Because Thessaloniki has become emblematic for the European integration of the Western Balkans. It was here almost two decades ago, in 2003, that the European Council adopted the historic Thessaloniki Agenda. The Thessaloniki Agenda built on the success of the Zagreb 2000 Summit. It helped to shape the European Union - Western Balkans relations as we know them today. Its clear political message was that the future of our entire region lies within the European Union, within the European family. We are also here, because Thessaloniki, being at the crossroads of East and West, constitutes a historical pivotal geostrategic, political, economic and cultural hub. This city is an essential link connecting the Western Balkans through the Aegean Sea, the Black Sea and the Adriatic, with three continents; Europe, Asia and Africa.

Why now?
The European Union now faces increasing regional and global challenges, in a rapidly changing international environment. In addition, the European Union family is losing one of its member-states. Therefore, I believe that it is more important than ever for the European Union to maintain the momentum on its enlargement policy. At the same time, the Western Balkans needs to speed up all the necessary reforms in their European Union agendas. Saying that we have done it all is not helpful.  At this critical juncture for Europe, it is more important than ever to keep the European Union vision credible and robust. Furthermore, the voices of our Western Balkan partners have to be heard before the adoption of the new enlargement methodology. This is crucial. We should listen to their views and concerns, as the most suitable and sensitive receivers and messengers inside the European Union.

Third question: Why us?
We, the neighboring European Union member-states, being part of the wider region, we reiterate once again today that the Western Balkans are an integral part of Europe.The peoples of this region have a shared heritage and history and they have also a future defined by common interests and challenges. We know that the European Union’s enlargement policy is the most powerful tool to guarantee peace, stability and prosperity in our wider region. Furthermore, as part of the neighborhood, we have an increased responsibility for establishing a prosperous and democratic environment in this area.

Any deficiencies in the enlargement process will have direct repercussions, mainly for us. Thus, it is important to be united and send today a unanimous and clear message in behalf of the whole region.

Dear colleagues,

enlargement has been an important political instrument for overcoming the post-World War II divisions in the European continent. It is one of the most successful European Union’s policies. It contributes to the Union’s role as a significant regional and global actor. In accordance with the European Union Global Strategy of 2016, it represents a strategic investment in Europe’s security and prosperity. Therefore, keeping enlargement at the top of the European Union agenda is of paramount importance. The firm, merit-based prospect of full European membership for the Western Balkans is in the Union’s very own political security and economic interest.

In times of increasing global challenges and divisions, it remains more than ever a geostrategic investment in a stable, strong and united Europe.

A credible accession perspective is the key incentive and the principle driver of transformation in the region. It is the key tool to promote democracy, the rule of law and respect for fundamental rights.

But let us be clear. Joining the European Union is a choice. Both political and social consensus is needed, both in the present and in the future members.   To put it simply, it requires winning the minds and hearts of the people. There must be no ambiguity on the part of the Western Balkan leaders about where the region belongs and to which direction it is heading. Therefore, they must deliver more credible on the commitment to implement the required reforms.

It is also true that the European Union must live up to its commitments and give credit where credit is due. We must not fail to reward objective progress, by moving to the next stage of the European integration. It is now time for both the European Union and the Western Balkans to look ahead. Core issues, such as the rule of law, fundamental rights, strengthening of democratic institutions, as well as promoting economic and social development and competitiveness, shall remain key priorities. This, of course, must be coupled with well-established pillars of enlargement, such as good neighborhood relations, in accordance with international law and regional cooperation.
This endeavor is the cornerstone of a forward-looking agenda. It will support the transformation of the Western Balkans into efficient market economies, able to integrate fully in the European Union’s single market, to create jobs and opportunities, to improve the business and investment climate, to promote the rule of law and to stop the brain drain from the region.

In this regard, I call you, my colleagues of the neighboring European Union member-states and of the Western Balkan partners to send today a solid and unanimous message. Our common objective is a peaceful, strong, stable, prosperous and united Europe, through the full integration of the Western Balkans into the European Union.
The future of the Western Balkans lies only within the European Union. I would like to pass the floor now to my Croatian colleague and President of the Council, Minister Radman and then to the representatives of the European Commission and the European External Action Service, for their introductory remarks.

Thank you”.

February 24, 2020