As of today, January 1, 2025, Greece assumes the position as an elected member of the UN Security Council at a particularly critical juncture in international affairs.
Greece will play an essential role in co-shaping international politics for the global security architecture and will have a significant voice, role, and responsibility in global developments.
Committed to a foreign policy based on principles, values and international law, Greece looks forward to acting as a stabilizing factor, serving as a bridge between the North and the South, the East and the West, while contributing to restoring the true meaning of the principle of the peaceful resolution of disputes.
To uphold the purpose of the Organization, namely uniting all the nations of the world to work for peace, we will engage bilaterally and multilaterally with all UN member states during our two-year term, thus promoting multilateral diplomacy and the principles of the UN Charter.
January 1, 2025