Minister of Foreign Affairs, N. Kotzias, to visit Norway (Oslo, 10 September 2018)

Minister of Foreign Affairs, Nikos Kotzias, will carry out a visit to Norway on 10 September. He will meet, in Oslo, with the Norwegian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ine Eriksen Søreide, at the Latter’s invitation.

The talks will focus on bilateral relations and further development of cooperation between the two countries. Regional and international issues will also be discussed, including the future of Europe, EU-Norway relations, the situation in the Western Balkans, and the handling of the refugee and migration crisis.

On the same day, Mr. Kotzias will speak at the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI), an eminent state research institute and think tank of internationally recognized standing. He will speak on principles of Greek foreign policy in Southeast Europe.

September 9, 2018