


18 Aisha El Taymuria, 11451, Garden City, Cairo
Tel: +202 27950443, 27955915, 27951074
Fax: +202 27963903
Time Difference: W: 0 / S: -1
Working Hours: 09:00 - 17:00
Head of Mission: Νikolaos Papageorgiou, Minister Plenipotentiary first class


Consulate General

14, Srilanka Str., 11561 Zamalek, Cairo
Tel: +202 27355863, 27355868, 27355869, 27355898, 27355899
Fax: +202 2735 5818
Time Difference: W: 0 / S: -1
Working Hours: 09:00 - 17:00
Consul General : Symeon Linardakis, First Counsellor of Embassy 


Office for Economic and Commercial Affairs

18 Aisha El Taymuria, 11451, Garden City, Cairo
Tel: +202 27948482, 27952036
Fax: +202 27940684
Time Difference: W: 0 / S: -1
Head: Evangelos Dairetzis, Minister Plenipotentiary for Economic and Commercial Affairs second class


Public Diplomacy Office

18 Aisha El Taymuria, 11451, Garden City, Cairo
Tel: +202 27950443 +202 27941369, +202 27944279
Time Difference: W: 0 / S: -1
Head: Εlias Galanis, Minister Plenipotentiary for Public Diplomacy first class


Consulate General in Alexandria

63 Alexander the Great str. Shatby, Alexandria
Tel: +203 4878454, 4878455
Fax: +203 4865896
Emergency Tel: +201 27 2045556
Working Hours: 09:00-17:00
Consul General : Ioannis Pyrgakis, First Counsellor of Embassy
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