
The Hague


Amaliastraat 1, 2514 JC The Hague, Netherlands
Tel: +3170 3638700
Emergency Tel: +31 625231621
Time Difference: -1
Working Hours: 10:00-18:00
Head of Mission : Caterina Ghini,  Minister Plenipotentiary First Class

The Hague

Consular Office

Parkstraat 20, 2514JK, Den Haag, Netherlands
Tel: +3170 3621780
Head: Eleni Godevenou, Attaché

The Hague

Office for Economic and Commercial Affairs

Amaliastraat 1, 2514 JC The Hague, Netherlands
Tel: +3170 3561199
Head: Evangelos Dairetzis, Second Counselor for Economic and Commercial Affairs