


6, rue Saint Fulgence , Notre Dame , 1082 Tunis
Tel: + 216 71 288411, 288890, 288608
Fax: + 216 71 789518
Emergency Tel: + 216 95 430 380
Time Difference: W: -1, S: -2
Working Hours: W: 10:00-17:00, S: 11:00-18:00
Head of Mission: Olga Anagnostopoulou, Minister Plenipotentiary Second Class


Consular Office

6, rue Saint Fulgence , Notre Dame , 1082 Tunis
Tel: + 216 71 288411, 71 287240
Fax: + 216 71 789518
Head: Evangelos Tsolkas, First Counsellor of Embassy


Office for Economic and Commercial Affairs

6, rue Saint Fulgence , Notre Dame , 1082 Tunis
Tel: + 216 71 288411, 119
Fax: + 216 71 789518
Head: Stamatios Zachariadis, Second Secretary for Economic and Commercial Affairs