United Arab Emirates

Abu Dhabi


Villa 1, 6-14 Thanyat Al Ghbaynah Street, Al Bateen, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates - P.O. Box 5483
Tel: +97124492550
Fax: +97124492455
Emergency Tel: +971503901820
Time Difference: W: +2, S: +1
Working Hours: W: 07:00-15:00, S: 08:00-16:00
Head of Mission : 

Abu Dhabi

Consular Office

Ghbaynah Street, Villa 1, Al Bateen Area, P.O.Box 5483
Tel: +97124492550
Head: Panagiotis Kougiou, Second Secretary of Embassy

Abu Dhabi

Public Diplomacy Office

Tel: +97124492550
Head:  Dimitra Panagiotopoulou, First Secretary for Public Diplomacy


Office for Economic and Commercial Affairs in Dubai

Al Habtoor Business Tower, Office 902, Dubai Marina
Tel: +97142272106
Fax: +97142272253
Head: Dimitrios Thomopoulos, First Secretary for Economic and Commercial Affairs