Postal Voting

In the 2023 Parliamentary Elections, Greeks in the diaspora were granted the right to vote from their country of residence through the creation of polling centers abroad (Law 4648/2019).

In July 2023, all restrictions on registering for overseas electoral rolls were lifted (Law 5044/2023), and in January 2024, the Greek government introduced postal voting for the first time for European Parliament elections and national referendums (Law 5083/2024).

Postal voting is available to all Greek citizens registered in electoral rolls, whether in Greece or abroad, who wish to exercise their voting rights via postal vote.

This measure represents a substantial step forward for Greeks around the world, eliminating practical obstacles for their right to vote.

This modernization of voting methods upholds fundamental constitutional principles of direct, universal, and secret voting, allowing Greeks residing abroad to vote from their place of residence without traveling long distances involving time and expense.

The Ministry of the Interior has created an online platform for registration in the postal voting electoral rolls.

November 8, 2024

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