Presentation of Ministry of Foreign Affairs' Strategic Plan for Greeks Abroad 2024-2027 (Athens, 6.11.2024)

Presentation of Ministry of Foreign Affairs' Strategic Plan for Greeks Abroad 2024-2027 (Athens, 6.11.2024)

The Strategic Plan for Greeks Abroad 2024-2027 was presented today at an event at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in the presence of Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis.

Minister of Foreign Affairs, George Gerapetritis, delivered the opening address at the event and the presentation of the Strategic Plan by the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, George Kotsiras and the Secretary General for Greeks Abroad and Public Diplomacy, Maira Myrogianni followed. The event concluded with the speech of the Prime Minister.

The primary goals of the Strategic Plan are to strengthen the ties between the metropolitan center and the Greek Diaspora, to facilitate substantial and reciprocal communication with it, and to bolster the presence of Greek element worldwide.

The Strategic Plan is structured around six strategic objectives, including over 100 operational actions:

- Upgrading the services provided by the Consular Authorities
- Support and development of networks and structures of the Diaspora with a focus on new methods of organization
- Cooperation with the Greek Diaspora to enhance the country’s image
- Maintaining elements of Greek identity by promoting the Greek language, history, tradition and culture; fostering connections and strengthening relations with the younger generation
- Maintaining and strengthening ties with Orthodox ecclesiastical institutions as a cohesive factor between the metropolitan center and the Diaspora

Among the actions outlined in the Strategic Plan are the creation of a registry for Diaspora organizations, networking of Greek academics, scientists, and entrepreneurs around the world, support for Greek studies departments, promotion of the Greek language learning platform, expanding youth hosting programs for the Diaspora, digital upgrading of consular services, and actions to attract the "brain drain" generation.

The event is available on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs' YouTube channel.

November 6, 2024

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