Quadrilateral Meeting between Greece, Albania, Bulgaria and FYROM on cross-border cooperation (Thessaloniki, 21-22 April 2016)

On the initiative of Foreign Minister Nikos Kotzias, a Meeting is being held in Thessaloniki, on 21 and 22 April, between the Foreign and Interior Ministers of Greece, Albania, Bulgaria and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia.

The Thessaloniki Meeting is aimed at strengthening dialogue and broadening the prospects for further cross-border cooperation on coordination and handling of common challenges, such as the refugee and migration crisis.

Specifically, on Thursday, 21 April, a meeting will take place between the Foreign Ministers of the four participating states, and on Friday, 22 April, there will be talks between the Ministers of Interior and a joint meeting of the Foreign and Interior Ministers. The quadrilateral Meeting will be followed by a press conference.

April 15, 2016