Register of Certified Translators

The Register of Certified Translators comprises translators certified by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Certified translators officially translate the following types of documents from a foreign language into Greek and vice versa and provide their services as freelancers:

• Public and private documents submitted by individuals or public agencies;
• Foreign public documents, as defined in the Hague Convention, provided that they are accompanied by the Hague Convention Apostille when they originate from a country that is a party to such Convention;
• In any other case, they must be certified by the Greek consular authority in their country of origin or by such country’s consular authority in Greece and then by the Validation Office (KEPPAE) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Only the relevant Greek consular authority may validate documents originating from countries for which Greece has made a reservation about their accession to the Hague Convention and for as long as such reservation remains valid.

Private documents may be officially translated if they are validated or certified. Certified translators may also translate non-validated, non-certified, unsigned and computer-generated private documents, whose translation shall not be official.

The Register of Certified Translators has been compiled by virtue of decision no. P23ΜΕΤ-34908/19.07.2021 of the Minister of Foreign Affairs (Government Gazette B 3149) and can be accessed here.

You can also access the Register through the information system of the Single Digital Portal of Public Administration (, where you can find an application to search for a Certified Translator at:

Certified translators can also use the same link to enter translation particulars and obtain a unique serial number of them, as prescribed by Law 4781/2021 (Government Gazette A 31) and joint decision no. P23ΜΕΤ-38227/30.07.2021 of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs and the State (Government Gazette Β 3482). The decision is available here.

Please be advised that the minimum lawful fee per translation page and per category of document to be translated, pursuant to article 148 of Law 4781/2021, has been determined by joint decision no. 092.1/AS 4151 of the Ministers of Finance and Foreign Affairs (Government Gazette Β 3903). The decision is available here.

For issues related to reports against Certified Translators, registered in the "Register of Certified Translators" of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, you can contact ST1 Directorate for Personnel and Administrative Organisation (e-mail: ). The reports have to bear the name of the individual who submits them, as well as special, clear and full reasoning and they have to be supported by adequate evidence, which would facilitate their due evaluation by the Ministry.

For matters relating to translations, you may contact directly the certified translator of your choice.