Social Media Policy

Welcome to the section of our website where the terms of use for our social media pages are set out. The Foreign Ministry uses these pages not just to publicize its views and the work it carries out, but also to share these views with you, because we consider your opinions and comments to be important. However, to these ends, the following rules apply:

•    The information contained on shared pages & links on our social media pages, as well as the views/comments expressed  on said shared pages & links, are of an exclusively informative nature and do not necessarily reflect our views. Moreover, although the Foreign Ministry exercises all reasonable care and diligence in preparing the content for its social media pages, it does not guarantee the credibility, accuracy, currency, or completeness of the information contained on shared pages & links.

•    Under no circumstances should it be assumed that the Foreign Ministry espouses or agrees with the content, products, or services of shared pages & links.

•    The Foreign Ministry’s social media pages may not be used for the promotion or advertising of businesses or for any commercial purposes.

•    We expect users of the Foreign Ministry’s social network pages to show appropriate respect in the manner in which they communicate with us and amongst themselves. Expression of disagreement cannot be accompanied by personal attacks/abuse. Comments with content

1.    that is abusive, pornographic, insulting to a specific group based on said group’s ethnic/racial origins, faith, gender, etc.;

2.    that promotes violence and/or racism;

3.    that violates intellectual property law;

4.    that can be characterized as spam: clearly unrelated in terms of subject matter, or promoting products or services

shall be deleted.

•    The Foreign Ministry bears no responsibility whatsoever for comments/opinions that are not added by the Foreign Ministry itself, nor for any insult that may be inflicted on third parties. Thus, the reproduction of such comments/opinions in a manner suggesting that their content reflects the views of the Foreign Ministry is prohibited. Moreover, we stress that user comments on our social media pages will be read by the Foreign Ministry, but that the Foreign Ministry is under no obligation to respond to each of said comments.

•    Any personal data published on the Foreign Ministry’s social network pages shall be used exclusively for the purposes of those pages and in accordance with the legislation on protection of personal data (Law 2472/1997, Opinion 5/2009 of Article 29 Data Protection Working Party of Directive 95/46/EC). The Foreign Ministry does not use this data for other purposes.

•    Republication of content that is on our social network pages is permitted, whether through “sharing” – when such an option is provided – or through embedding content on personal webpages, on the condition that this content shall not be distorted, altered or changed in any way that runs counter to the purposes for which said content is published.

•    The Foreign Ministry’s social network pages are also governed by the rules of the Facebook confidentiality policy.

•    The Foreign Ministry reserves the right to update or change the present terms of use of its social media at its own discretion and at any time so that said terms may always be consistent with the purposes of its social network pages.

We thank you for your understanding and wish you happy surfing!

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