G. KATROUGALOS: We had a substantive discussion with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Mr. Dimitrov. We both agreed that problematic statements which raise doubts about the true meaning of the Prespa Agreement must be avoided, precisely because both countries remain committed to strictly adhering to the spirit and the letter of this Agreement that is mutually beneficial to our countries. And we both agreed, as I also had the opportunity to state yesterday at a related Press briefing, that what precisely describes the respective obligations is Article 4, par. 3 of the Agreement which now leaves no room for interference in the internal affairs of each country. We remain committed, therefore, to the spirit and the letter of the Prespa Agreement and we will both move forward with its full ratification upon conclusion of the constitutional revision in the neighbouring country, precisely as stipulated in the Agreement.
JOURNALIST: Did you raise this issue with the Secretary General of NATO?
G. KATROUGALOS: We had a discussion with the Secretary General of NATO on this too, as well as on the technical procedures which are due to follow provided that, as we all hope, we will have ratification in both countries.
JOURNALIST: What did your counterpart from fYROM respond regarding these statements?
G. KATROUGALOS: I understand he will make his own statements in the same spirit. We agreed, as I said, on what I just stated, in other words that we both must be especially careful, so as not to create doubt and misinterpretations regarding what the Agreement says.
December 4, 2018