JOURNALIST: Minister, the two-day informal meeting of Foreign Ministers – the Gymnich meeting – has ended, here in Berlin, where Greek-Turkish tensions and discussion of the sanctions on Turkey were high on the agenda. Are you satisfied with the results?
N. DENDIAS: Yes, I think so, because Greece won the unanimous support of all its partners. What is important is that, during this informal discussion – an informal meeting of the Council does not make decisions, but nevertheless – there was a clear climate. And this clear climate was one of full support for our country and was reflected in the conclusions of the High Representative, who, as far as I know, has already made relevant statements. The High Representative presented options for future sanctions on Turkey. These will be presented to the Heads of Government at the European Council meeting at the end of September if we don’t see de-escalation from the Turkish side and dialogue by then. So, I think the Greek side got what it could from this Meeting. An understanding on sanctions, if Turkey doesn't de-escalate and return to dialogue.
JOURNALIST: What can we expect in the time leading up to the Summit Meeting?
N. DENDIAS: I can only say what we can hope for. I would like to see Turkey return to reason, stop the provocations, stop the arbitrary actions, stop the violations of International Law. This will enable Greece to return to a framework for discussion on the one existing dispute – in other words, the continental shelf and the maritime zones over it. But with what frame of reference? Always International Law and the Law of the Sea.
JOURNALIST: What's the red line?
N. DENDIAS: Greece’s Constitution. Protection of its sovereignty and its sovereign rights. Thank you.
August 28, 2020