E. VENIZELOS: Good afternoon, Mr. President.
K. PAPOULIAS: Welcome.
E. VENIZELOS: I’ll be briefing you on my visit to Albania and on the visits to Israel and Palestine.
K. PAPOULIAS: I’ve been following your activities.
E. VENIZELOS: But we have many other critical domestic issues. I am personally and institutionally greatly satisfied at the fact that, finally, measures are being taken regarding Golden Dawn. You remember how many times I raised the issue with you and publicly and in Parliament.
The critical negotiations with the troika are also open. There is a recycling of problems and concerns that do injustice to the sacrifices and efforts of the Greek people, and we are waiting for the new German government to be formed, because an approach is needed that will give a new political perspective to the Eurozone, with our partners acknowledging rather than undermining the huge accomplishment that has been achieved here. Because now we have to move ahead to where we must go: to growth and new jobs.
I bring you greetings from your Albanian counterpart, from your Palestinian Authority counterpart, and, naturally, the Prime Minister will have conveyed to you the warm greetings of the President of Israel.
K. PAPOULIAS: Thank you, Mr. Deputy Prime Minister. These are issues that you were concerned about, and you were the first who confronted them and said what had to be said at the time. Of course, few were the faithful, but subsequently they multiplied.
E. VENIZELOS: Thank you, Mr. President.
October 15, 2013