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Greece in Armenia arrow Embassy Newsarrow PLF & Covid Test for travelers who are entitled to enter Greece by air.

PLF & Covid Test for travelers who are entitled to enter Greece by air.

Wednesday, 23 September 2020

1.      1.PLF:

Travelers of any citizenship (including Greek) who are allowed to enter Greece must fill-in and carry with them the “Passenger Locator Form” (PLF). You can fill in the PLF form here: and find information here:

The PLF form is considered a travel document and checked at the airport of initial boarding. Passengers lacking the form will not be allowed to board. The form also is checked at the Greek borders/airports.

2.      2.COVID-19 TEST

2.a. A negative COVID-19 test result is necessary for travelers born before 2011 of any citizenship (including Greek) in any flight connecting Greece with Bulgaria, Romania, UAE, Malta, Belgium, Spain, Albania, North Macedonia, Hungary and (after September the 28th) the Czech Republic.

-Diagnostic test (certificate)

1. The diagnostic test must be performed by the PCR method.

2. The diagnostic test must be done within the last 72 hours before entering Greece.

3. The diagnostic test can be performed in Armenia or in the countries of transit.

4. The diagnostic test must be performed in an appropriately certified laboratory (reference laboratory) or any other certified by the competent national certification authority public / private laboratory. Information about the Laboratories can be found at the web address:

5. The results of the diagnostic test (certificate) must use  English  language and state traveler’s  name and passport number.

-Check of results

The possession of the above certificate is checked by the airlines during the initial boarding. Possession of the certificate is mandatory for boarding. Test results will be checked again by Greek Authorities before permitting entry by any flight from the above mentioned countries.

2.b. Travelers not obliged to show a negative  COVID-19 test  result at their entry point might still undergo a test at the borders. Until the test results are known they must remain self-isolated in their residence in Greece or in their temporary settlement. A negative test result will terminate the self-isolation under the condition of adhesion to all protective measures against the pandemic. In the unfortunate case of a positive test result they must extend their self-isolation for 14 days in total. Trespassing of these obligations will result in a fine of 5.000 Euros.
