Greece in Croatia
Greece in Croatia
In this section of our website, you can access information regarding the activities of our Missions, the services they provide and our contact information.
You can also read about our bilateral relations and find detailed and up-to-date information about Greece.
- Promotional event of Greek Gastronomy – Skradin Cup Regatta 2024 (April 13th)
- Celebration of the National Day
- Minister for Agricultural Development and Foods, Mr. L. Avgenakis, visits Zagreb (20-22/3/2024)
- Participation of the Embassy of Greece to the opening of the “Mois de la Francophonie” (Zagreb, 29/2/2024)
- Presentation of the new academic programme on Greek Language and Civilisation by the Department of Classical Studies of the University of Zagreb (23/3/2024)
- Foreign Minister Mr. G. Gerapetritis visits Zagreb (Zagreb, 19/3/2024)
- Two-day event for the promotion of the Greek language and culture
- 21st Zagreb Film Festival
- Promoting Greek gastronomy in Croatia: Master class and dinner with Greek flavours in the context of Taste the Mediterranean Festival (Split, 6-7.10.2023)
- Celebration of the European Day of Languages.
- Celebration of the National Day of Greece organized by the Embassy: Reception and screening of the film “Kazantzakis” directed by Iannis Smaragdis. (Zagreb, 23.03.2023)
- Celebration of Day of Europe (Zagreb, 09.05.2023)
- VAŽNA OBAVIJEST : Pristup Veleposlanstvu Helenske Republike u Zagrebu – mjere radi sprječavanja širenja zaraze uzrokovane koronavirusom COVID – 19
- Entry prerequisites in Croatia
- Announcement for travelers to Greece
- Minister of Foreign Affairs N. Dendias presents the exhibition of the Ministry’s Archives for the celebrations of the 200 years since the beginning of the Greek Struggle for Independence
- Procedure of issuance of Schengen visas for seafarers
- National Visas
- Application Form
- New Visa Information System (VIS)
- Information request form about personal data processed in the National SCHENGEN Information System (N-SIS)
- Power of Attorney
- Verification of the authenticity of foreign documents
- Hospitalization
- Maritime Affairs
- Community Code on Visas in other languages
- Passports
- Change of Residency
- Transport of bodily remains
- Vital Records
- Visa applicants’ rights in case of rejection due to registration in the Schengen Information System or the National Record of Undesirable Foreigners
- Visa Code Guidelines-Annexes
- Delivery of Legal Documents
- Arrests, Preliminary Hearings, Detentions, Incarcerations of Greeks abroad
- National Service
- Customs
- Taxes
- Inheritance Affairs
- Information on the processing of your personal data - General Data Protection Regulation – information to be provided to visa applicants
Ulica Stjepana Babonića 28Zagreb 10000Croatia
+3851 4810444, 4810437
+3851 4810419