Thursday, 27 March 2025
Greece in Georgia arrow Greece and Georgiaarrow Cultural Relations and Greek Community

Cultural Relations and Greek Community

The Greek Community

The Greek diaspora in Georgia is estimated at approximately 6.000 people based on the 2016 census. The numbers have dwindled due to the large wave of repatriation to Greece over the last few years, as well as emigration to Russia and other counties. The Union of Greeks in Georgia, with Ms Eugenia Kotanidou being the chairperson, consists of 18 regional homogenous associations throughout Georgia. The Union of Greeks in Georgia implement the Programme of teaching Greek Language and Culture in 6 cities of Georgia: Tbilisi, Borjomi, Akhalkalaki, Kakheti, Akhaltsikhe and Bolnisi. Furthermore, the Union of Greeks in Georgia maintains a Greek Cultural Center which along with the valuable contribution of the Union of Greek Youth of Georgia organize cultural events for promotion / remembrance Greek culture.

Cultural - Educational Relations

The Programme of teaching the Greek language and culture, titled "Greek Language throughout schools of the Republic of Georgia", financed by the Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in cooperation with the Georgian Ministry of Education of Georgia is the main on-going Greek cultural activity in Georgia. The aforementioned teaching programme is implemented by the Institute of Classical, Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies ofTbilisi State University, which is the main Greek language and culture entity in Georgia, in 7 schools of Georgia: 5 of them are located in Tbilisi and two in Akhaltsikhe and Batumi (university cities with historically significant presence of Greeks). Furthermore, the Institute of Classical, Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies organizes in annual basis the students Festival "Golden Fleece", a widely visited event in which plenty of both public and private schools from all over Georgia are participating.

Last Updated Thursday, 11 January 2024