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Military conscription
Military Service Information
According to the provisions of the article 4, paragraph 6 of the Constitution: “Every Greek citizen who is capable of carrying a weapon is obliged to contribute to the defense of the Country, as it is stipulated by the law”.
In compliance with this constitutional mandate, the military legislation stipulates that all Greek males, from the 1st of January of their 19th year until the 31st of December of their 45th year, are obliged to serve in the Armed Forces.
Since 2001, upon the decision of the Minister of National Defense, the gradual decrease of the military service in the Armed Forces began. Since 1-1-2004 the duration of the complete service is:
a. For the Reserve Officers of the three Sectors of the Armed Forces: 17 months.
b. For the Soldiers of the three Sectors of the Armed Forces: 12 months.
a. Since 1-1-2003 the Soldiers of the three Sectors of the Armed Forces, which are entitled to a reduced service according to the military law provisions, serve nine (9) months instead of twelve (12), as it was previously the case.
b. According to the law 2984/2002, soldiers coming from the Eastern Bloc countries or Turkey, having disrupted their permanent staying in these countries or moved to Greece after the 1st January of their 11th year of age, are obliged to serve three (3) months instead of six (6), as it was previously the case.
c. Those who belong to the 1987 category or the ones before (being born in 1966 or before), as well as those who have deferred their enlistment due to a PhD, or because they work on scientific projects or researches abroad, have the right to buy off the rest of their military obligations after the completion of their military service:
- Six (6) months, for those who are obliged to an entire service.
- Four (4) months, for those who have the right to a reduced service.
Three (3) months, for those who have been qualified as third or fourth category (I3) or (I4).
The abovementioned have also the right to complete their service partially, at least every two months, within a three year spell after their initial enlistment.
The price of buying the rest of their military obligation has been set at 293.47 euro per month.
d. According to the article 4 of the Law 3257/29-7-04, the following is provided: One can be relieved of military service if one is a father of three children. Military service can be reduced to 9 months in case of a family’s only child or elder brother of three or more children. Possibility of obtaining a three-year deferment for those who have two children and granting to the non-conscripts a 30 days entry to the country subject to no conditions or control of their military status.
Below are listed the currently valid categories of those entitled to reduced service:
- Six or more brothers
a. Six months service: The three elder brothers.
b. Nine months service: The forth brother and his younger brothers.
- Five brothers
a. Six months service: The older or the only brother.
b. Nine months service: The second brother.
- Four brothers
Nine months service: The only or the elder brother.
- Three brothers
Nine months service: The only or the elder brother.
e. In the article 5 of the same Law (Law.3257/04) it is stipulated that:
- The time considered as military service is the service in the army of a member-State of the European Union, not only a member-State of NATO.
- The service duration provided for those, who are obliged to weaponless and
Alternative civil service, is reduced and the fulfillment of their duties is regulated in a fixed, clear and simple way.
f. According to the article 6 of the Law 3257/04, buying off the rest of the military obligations of the non-conscripts, of those who are legally out of the Armed Forces and those who completed their 35th year can be arranged on condition that they enlist in the Armed Forces and serve for 45 days. It is a pioneer regulation, which is being implemented for the first time in Greece. In the same provision there were included those who are legally out of the army (the majority of whom are permanent residents abroad or immigrants).
A website dedicated to military service and recruitment issues has also been created by the Draft Administration of the Hellenic National Defense General Staff of (www.stratologia.gr); the site provides useful information and answers to frequently asked questions, as well as the means to communicate with military staff via email; you will also find the addresses and email contacts of the Hellenic Armed Forces Recruiting Offices.
Should you have any further questions regarding the above or for any clarification you may contact an agent of the Consular Office via telephone at (03) 3403-0871/2, via fax at (03) 3402 4642 or via e-mal at the following address: