Foreign Minister Kotzias’ statement on the 70th anniversary of the signing of the UN Charter
Foreign Minister Nikos Kotzias issued the following statement on the
occasion of the 70th anniversary of the signing of the UN Charter:
70th anniversary, today, of the signing of the UN Charter, on 26 June
1945, in San Francisco, is an opportunity for us to consider the
invaluable contribution of the UN to humankind, as a global institution –
of unique range and standing – for peace and equal international
cooperation amongst peoples.
The United Nations Organization was
and continues to be the repository of international law and
international legality – necessary prerequisites for the peaceful
coexistence and cooperation of states and peoples – carrying out a
unique mission for ensuring global security and prosperity.
70th anniversary of the founding of the UN is not an occasion for
complacency. It should, in fact, fire our concern and vigilance. The
Organization is being called upon every day to do its vital work in the
midst of rapidly shifting conditions, as humanity faces new challenges
and threats, such as international terrorism, humanitarian crises,
global inequities and natural disasters.
Torn by the courageous
struggle against fascism, and with festering wounds from the huge human
and material losses, Greece was a founding member of the United Nations.
Seventy years later, our country remains dedicated to the
Organization’s ends and ideas, especially with regard to safeguarding
the human dignity, peace and prosperity of all peoples.
In the
context of exercising a multifaceted and proactive peace-loving foreign
policy, Greece participates constructively in the UN proceedings, as
well as in the specific processes for the further democratization and
upgrading of the UN’s role, with the ultimate goal of strengthening its
ability to serve international law and promote the vision of its
founders; a vision of a peaceful and just world, to the benefit of
younger generations.”