Certificate for Domicile Transfer Exemptions
Individuals (citizens of any European Union member State, Greek citizens or persons married to a Greek citizen) that are residents abroad and wish to settle permanently in Greece, are exempted from import taxation on their personal belongings (furniture, car e.t.c.).
Permanent residence is the place where an individual is domiciled for at least 185 days in a twelve month period and where he holds personal and professional bonds.
The right for domicile transfer exemptions is founded on proof of residence and work of the applicant himself or his family, for the last two years before settling in Greece:
Documents required:
• Personal Statement (to be filled at the Consulate)
• Passport or Identity Card
• Council Tax receipts for the last 2 years before settling in Greece
• Proof of Self owned property or a leasing agreement
• Certificate of work or pension certificate or certification of an Accountant for the self employed
• Registration certificate in Norwegian Municipality (Bostedsattest),
• Government insurance registration (NAV)
• List of the moving goods
• Notification to the tax office of a move abroad.
In case a private use car, motorbike or motorcycle, pleasure boat or private aircraft are transported, documents proving the full and exclusive ownership of the vehicle for a period of at least six months before the application date are required, as well as:
• Registration license of the vehicle in the name of the applicant issued by the competent Norwegian authority covering a period of at least six months before the application date.
• Driver’s license valid for the above mentioned period.
The application for the certificate for domicile transfer exemptions may also be submitted to the relevant E3 directorate of the MFA in Greece.