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Permanent Mission of Greece in Geneva arrow News - Interviews - Speechesarrow Intervention of Greece to the Interactive Panel on the Impact of the World Drug Problem on Human Rights in the framework of the 30th UN Human Rights Council(Geneva, 28.09.15)

Intervention of Greece to the Interactive Panel on the Impact of the World Drug Problem on Human Rights in the framework of the 30th UN Human Rights Council(Geneva, 28.09.15)

Tuesday, 29 September 2015

Thank you Mr President, distinguished panelists,

We align ourselves with the statement delivered by the EU as well as the one delivered earlier by my colleague from Colombia since Greece is also one of  the members of the core group of the HRC Resolution that provided for the convening of this important panel. We hope this panel provides a valuable contribution to the work of UNGASS mainly in highlighting the human rights dimension of the world drug problem.

The individual and the fundamental principles of social cohesion, respect of human dignity, freedom, information, protection and security of social welfare, equality, efficiency and solidarity, the shifting of the focus of interventions from repressive policies to policies that promote human rights and public health are all at the core of our National Drug Policy.

As it is also highlighted in the OHCHR relevant report, we believe that there should be an increased focus worldwide on public health prevention, treatment and care, as well as on economic, social and cultural strategies when it comes to drug policies. In this regard, our national action plan provides inter alia for strengthening harm reduction programs, direct access to antiretroviral treatment for cases of HIV infection, developing structures for active users, hosting services for needy and homeless users in Athens and the region, the set up of a half-way house for dependent women in the center of Athens, expansion of substitution programs, development of  support services for drug users in the penitentiary system, strengthening social reintegration and support of vocational integration of recovering addicts through social entrepreneurship programs.

We would also like to underline the active participation of the Office of the National Drug Coordinator through the EU Council related institutions mainly in the Horizontal Drugs Group- where we have contributed to the formation of a standpoint for the UNGASS 2016 highlighting the respect of human rights as one of the major issues for the EU.

With these words, we would like to thank the distinguished panelists for their presentations and wish every success to the work of UNGASS.

Thank you Mr President
