Wednesday, 8 January 2025
Permanent Mission of Greece in Geneva arrow News - Interviews - Speechesarrow Statement during the annual debate on the rights of persons with disabilities (14.3.2022)

Statement during the annual debate on the rights of persons with disabilities (14.3.2022)

Monday, 14 March 2022

"Greece aligns itself with the EU statement and thanks the OHCHR for its report.

Greece recognizes the importance of data gathering in identifying and addressing gaps in policy implementation that prevent the enjoyment of human rights as enshrined in the CRPD and international human rights law. To this end, disaggregated data, incorporating a functional approach on challenges faced by persons with disabilities, is gathered through relevant censuses and surveys.

The adoption, in 2020, of a National Action Plan has resulted in the systematisation of data collection processes through the creation of dedicated focal points in all Ministries and administrative divisions.
Based on this National Action Plan, data is being collected - among others - regarding refugee children with disabilities by relevant line ministries, in coordination with the UNHCR, UNICEF and IOM, but also regarding persons with disabilities among the population held in detention facilities, and accessibility conditions therein.

Greece gives the highest importance to the involvement of persons with disabilities in decision-making. To this end, relevant data collection is operated in consultation with the National Confederation of Persons with Disabilities’ Observatory on Disability Issues. Its monitoring of domestic policies includes the upholding of the principle of the human rights-based approach to data. Furthermore, in coordination with the National Center of Social Research, the Observatory is carrying out a joint study on the development of an Integrated Indicator System on the implementation of the CRPD.

In its efforts to gather data, Greece gives special attention to ensuring that persons with disabilities enjoy the right to privacy on an equal basis with others.
What measures have you found particularly effective in balancing the need for data gathering and the right to privacy of persons with disabilities?"
