Thursday, 13 March 2025

Fees for Consular Deeds

Consular Fees and Royalties

According to the Presidential Decree “P.D. 16/31.01.2014 “, from the 1st of March 2014, the Fees for Consular Deeds have been modified.

Consular fees for the most common Consular Deeds of the Consular Section of the Embassy of Greece in Seoul:

Administrative Deeds
Permanent Residence EUR 50
Legalization of signature of a Greek citizen and an EU citizen EUR 10
Legalization of signature of a foreign natural person or an authorized representative of a foreign legal entity (exempting E.U countries). EUR 30
A private official translator. In any case, the certification concerns the signature of the translation. EUR 30
Attestation of certificates or receipts concerning hospitalization fees of persons insured by the state or by other social security organizations GRATIS
Certification/attestation of any documents except those expressly stated herein EUR 10
National Visa
National visas on foreign passports EUR 180,-(flat rate)
EUR 90,-(students)
GRATIS (subject to the written approval of the competent department of the M.F.A)
Schengen Visa
Schengen Visa on foreign passports Here
Registration of Vital Records
Registration of acts of birth, marriage, death EUR 10, - plus the fines for late registration as stipulated by the law
Copies of registration acts, in general EUR 10
Notarial Deeds
Preparation of power of attorney (appointment, revocation).
Per sheet.
EUR 50
Preparation of powers of attorney and other notarial deeds.
Per sheet
EUR 10

According to the provisions of the P.D. 16/31.01.2014, for the employment of a permanent consular employee at the request of an individual or for private interest outside the consular premises, a fee of EUR 150 per 4 hours or fraction thereof is collected in favour of the state by issuing a Payment Slip. The above fees are doubled, in the event that the employee should travel outside the city where the consular authority is located.

Please note that all the prices mentioned throughout the website are in Euro. The exchange rate changes once a month and the rate is valid throughout that month.

The fees are paid in Korean Won (KRW).

Please note that we accept only cash.

We do not accept credit cards, debit cards and checks.

Last Updated Friday, 23 July 2021