Sunday, 30 March 2025

The Ambassador


Evangelia  (Lili)  Grammatika
Minister Plenipotentiary


•    October 2022 to November 2023: Deputy Head of Mission at the Embassy of Greece in The Hague - Promoted to Minister Plenipotentiary in 2023
•    July 2021-October 2022: Director of the Office of the Secretary General of the M.F.A.
•    October 2020–July 2021: Deputy Spokesperson/Department of Information of the M.F.A.
•    September 2016–September 2020: Defence Counsellor at the Permanent Delegation of Greece to NATO,Brussels
•    October 2014–September 2016: Political Counsellor at the Permanent Delegation of Greece to NATO, Brussels
•    January 2012–September 2014: Consul General of Greece in Johannesburg, South Africa - Promoted to First Counsellor
•    June 2007–December 2011: A4 Department for Bilateral Relations with Turkey /Desk Officer for Aeronautical and Maritime Affairs - Promoted to 2nd Counsellor
•    August 2006–June 2007: Deputy at the Spokesman’s Office / M.F.A. - Promoted to 1st Secretary
•    September 2003–August 2006: Embassy of Greece in Vienna/Perm. Delegation to UN Vienna -Promoted to 2nd Secretary
•    January 2003–August 2003: A6 Department for MENA & Gulf countries/Iran, Iraq & Gulf countries Desk
•    January 2001–December 2002: Office of the National Coordinator for the Stability Pact for Southeastern Europe – M.F.A. - Promoted to 3rd Secretary
•    October 2000–January 2001: Attaché/Diplomatic Academy (Education & Training Coordination)
•    September 1999–October 2000: Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
•    Until September 1999: Lawyerat the Athens Bar

Fluent in English, French and German

Law Degree (University of Athens Law School)

Two children (university students)

Last Updated Tuesday, 16 January 2024