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Greece in Romania arrow Embassy Newsarrow Announcement regarding flights from Bulgaria and Romania to Greece

Announcement regarding flights from Bulgaria and Romania to Greece

Saturday, 25 July 2020

As of Tuesday July 28th, 2020, passengers of flights from Bulgaria and Romania to Greece will be required  to have a negative molecular test result (PCR) for COVID-19, performed up to 72 hours before their entry to Greece*.

This does not apply to Greek citizens, permanent residents of Greece and travelers for essential professional reasons.

Travelers should be laboratory tested with RT-PCR of oropharyngeal or nasopharyngeal swab.

Only travelers who carry a certificate of a negative RT-PCR test result will be allowed by the border authorities to enter the country. The certificates should be written in English and bear the name and passport/national ID number of the traveler.

The Laboratories that perform the RT-PCR testing should be:
a. National Reference laboratories

b. National Public Health Laboratories or
c. Private laboratories which are accredited from the respective national accreditation authorities (not necessarily specifically for COVID-19).

Certificates that do not fulfil the above criteria will not be accepted. Certificate forgery is punished by Greek Law.

Travelers will still have to complete and submit their PLF form and may be subject to random testing upon arrival to the Greek border.

More information is available on

*Specifically on Tuesday July 28th and Wednesday July 29th, travelers who did not have time to be tested before departure will be tested by Greek competent authorities upon arrival in Greece.
