Sunday, 22 December 2024

Consular Fees



Consular Act EURO RON
Power of Attorney, 1 sheet (+1 certified copy) 60 300,00
Power of Attorney to collect salary, pension, medical fees, compensation, to register with the Municipal Authorities, 1 sheet  (+1 certified copy)/Fee is multiplied for every additional sheet 15 75,00
Sworn Statement (Art. 270 C.P.C.), 1 sheet (+ 1 certified copy) / Fee is multiplied for every additional sheet 90 450,00
Declaration of acceptance of inheritance 100 500,00
True copy of the original 10 50,00
True copy of the original – more than 1 page (per page) 5 25,00
Certificate of permanent moving to Greece 120 600,00
Certificates and attestations of any nature exept those expressly stated in P.D. 16/2014 10 50,00
Certificate of permanent residence (military use / various uses) 50 250,00
Legalization of signature of Greek or EU national 10 50,00
Legalization of signature of non EU national 30 150,00
Legalization of hospital and doctor’s fees Gratis Gratis
Legalization of translation for general use 30 150,00
Fees for the registration of birth / marriage / death 10 50,00
1 copy of each of the above registration acts 10 50,00
Municipal settlement 150 750,00
Child’s Recognition or Adoption Act + 1 copy 60 300,00
Consular Civil Wedding (permanent residents in Romania) 100 500,00
Consular Civil Wedding (non-permanent residents in Romania) 200 1000,0
Αιτήσεις πάσης φύσεως προς το Προξενικό Γραφείο Gratis Gratis
Issuance of passport for adults 84.40 422,00
Issuance of passport for minors 73.60 368,00
Last Updated Thursday, 01 October 2020