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Greece in Singapore arrow Embassy Newsarrow Message to the Greek citizens : complying with measures of Singapore restricting movement

Message to the Greek citizens : complying with measures of Singapore restricting movement

Monday, 13 April 2020

The Singaporean Authorities announced the implementation from 7 April to 4 May of “circuit breaker” measures to minimize the local transmission of COVID-19. These measures, which include businesses to move towards full telecommuting modes and schools to move towards home-based learning, aim to significantly reduce movements and interactions in public and private spaces.

The COVID-19 (Temporary Measures) (Control Order) Regulations 2020, which came into force on 8 April 2020, spells out restrictions on the movement of people and restrictions in relation to businesses for the purpose of curbing the spread of COVID-19 in Singapore.

During this period, Singaporean Government Agencies are deploying more than 2.400 Enforcement Officers,every day, across Singapore to enforce the safe distancing measures.

The Singaporean Authorities call residents to abide by the following :

-stay at home, do not go out unless you are working in essential services or need to (e.g. see a doctor, buy food). Go home as soon as you are done,

-limit social contact to household members,

-do not gather in groups, either at home or outside,

-keep a safe distance of at least one meter from others even in open spaces, and when exercising,

-no eating or drinking in eating places.

The Embassy of Greece in Singapore urges you to comply with the measures implemented by the Singaporean Authorities. Any person disregarding these measures will be issued a stern warning by the local Authorities. A second offence will result in a fine of  300 SGD and a third offense will result in prosecution in court.
