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Novo obavještenje za putnike u Grčku 7.2.2022 / New announcement for travellers to Greece 7.2.2022
Stalni stanovnici Crne Gore mogu ući u Grčku pod određenim uslovima.
Konkretno, prije dolaska, putnici:
- Moraju ispuniti Obrazac PLF najkasnije do 23:59 (23.59 h) dana prije dolaska u Grčku. PLF se može naći na web stranici: http://travel.gov.gr
- Moraju imati EU Digitalnu COVID potvrdu, koja sadrži sledeće informacije:
Α) potvrdu o vakcinaciji (za putnike koji su kompletirali vakcinaciju za COVID najmanje 14 dana prije putovanja), validnu 9 mjeseci od osnovne vakcinacije (dvije doze), a bez vremenskog ograničenja ukoliko je primljena buster doza, ili
Β) potvrda o oporavku od SARS-CoV-2 infekcije iydata 14 dana od dana prvog pozitivnog rezultata testa COVID- 19 (PCR ili Rapid Antigenski test) koja vazi 180 dana, ili
C) potvrdu o negativnom rezultatu PCR molekularnog testa iz laboratorija (ne stariju od 72 sata) ILI potvrdu o negativnom brzom antigenskom (rapid) testu (ne stariju od 24 sata).
Ove mjere odnose se na sve odrasle putnike i djecu stariju od 5 godina.
Svaki putnik koji stigne u Grčku, bez obzira na potvrdu koju posjeduje, može biti podvrgnuti zdravstvenom pregledu. Ukoliko ste odabrani, imajte na umu da je provjera obavezna. U slučaju odbijanja, vlasti imaju pravo da odbiju ulazak u zemlju.
Navedena Vladina odluka na snazi je do 21. februara 2022. godine (6.00 sati). Za više informacija posjetite službenu web stranicu Helenske civilne zaštite - Protokol za dolaske u Grčku na https://travel.gov.gr
Permanent residents of Montenegro are allowed to enter Greece under conditions.
In particular, before arrival:
They must:
- fill in the Passenger Locator Form (PLF) no later than 23:59 (11.59 PM) of the day before arriving in Greece, PLF can be proceeded through the website: http://travel.gov.gr
- show the EU Digital COVID Certificate, which contains information about one of the following:
a) Vaccination certificate (for those who have completed vaccination for COVID-19 at least fourteen (14) days before arrival) valid for 9 months after the completion of the basic vaccination and without time limit for travellers who have received the booster dose, or
b) Certificate of recovery from SARS-CoV-2 infection issued 14 days after the day of the first positive COVID-19 test (PCR or Rapid Antigen test) and valid for 180 days thereafter, or
c) Certificate of negative test result, namely, negative molecular test result (PCR) performed up to 72 hours before the scheduled arrival or negative Rapid Antigen test result performed up to 24 hours before the scheduled arrival.
The above obligations are mandatory for all travellers entering the country, including children over 5 years old.
Every traveller who arrives in Greece, regardless of the certificate in their possession, may undergo a random health screening. If you are selected, please keep in mind that the screening is mandatory. In case of refusal, authorities reserve the right to refuse entry into the country.
The afore-mentioned Governmental Decision is valid until 21 February 2022 (6.00 AM). For more information, please visit the official website of the Hellenic Civil Protection - Protocol for arrivals to Greece at https://travel.gov.gr