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Zavisno od trajanja i cilja Vašeg putovanja u Grčku, možete zatražiti ili vizu za kratkotrajan boravak “Šengen vizu” ili vizu za dugotrajan boravak “nacionalnu vizu”, koji će trajati više od 90 dana.
Podnosioci zahtjeva za vizu mogu aplicirati samo uz zakazivanje u Konzularnom odjeljenju Ambasade Republike Grčke u Podgorici, adresa Atinska 4, Gorica C, 81000 Podgorica.
Intervju za vizu zakazuje se samo putem email-a. Zahtjev treba poslati na elektronsku adresu: ##0
Za dodatne informacije, podnosioci zahtjeva mogu kontaktirati Konzularno odjeljenje telefonom, od ponedeljka do petka, u periodu od od 8.30h do 16.30 na (+382) 20 655 544 i (+382) 20 618 170.
Termini za podnošenje zahtjeva za vizu i vraćanje pasoša zakazuju se samo radnim danima, od 10.00 - 13.00 (od ponedeljka do petka). Podnosioci zahtjeva moraju doći lično najmanje 10 minuta prije zakazanog termina, uz potpuno poštovanje svih mjera u vezi sa epidemiološkom situacijom. Podnosioci zahtjeva obavještavaju se telefonom ili email-om o rezultatima podnesene prijave u roku od 15 dana od dana zakazivanja.
Šta je Šengen viza?
Viza za ulazak je ovlašćenje, koje se daje od strane jedne države - članice Šengen zone, radi tranzita preko teritorije država - članica ili planiranog boravka na teritoriji država - članica, koji ne traja duže od 90 - devetdeset dana unutar bilo kog perioda od 180 - sto osamdeset dana.
Jedinstvena šengen viza omogućava njenom nosiocu boravak do 90 - devetdeset dana unutar bilo kog perioda od 180 - sto osamdeset dana i važi za teritoriju sledećih zemalja:
Grčke, Austrije, Belgije, Češke, Danske, Estonije, Finske, Francuske, Njemačke, Mađarske, Islanda, Italije, Letonije, Litvanije, Lihtenštajna, Luksemburga, Malte, Holandije, Norveške, Poljske, Portugalije, Slovačke, Slovenije, Španije, Švedske i Švajcarske (Šengen zona).
Za obračunavanje vremena boravka u Šengen zoni, pritisnite (kliknite) ovdje link.
Kome je potrebna Šengen viza?
Da li je potrebno da imate Šengen vizu zavisi od Vašeg državljanstva. Pogledajite spisak zemalja, čijim građanima je potrebna ili se ne zahtjeva Šengen viza za boravak do 90 - devetdeset dana u Šengen zoni.
Viza za tranzit preko aerodroma (ATV)
Građanima nekih trećih zemalja potrebna je viza za tranzit preko aerodroma (ATV), kada namjeravaju da mijenjaju avion na aerodromu jedne države - članice Šengen-a. Pogledajite zajednički spisak zemalja, čijim građanima je potrebna ATV i nacionalni spisak zemalja čijim građanima je potreban ATV. Takođe, pogledajite izuzetke iz gore navedene obaveze.
Prethodne konsultacije
Jedna država - članica Šengen-a može da zahtjeva da se traži njeno mišljenje kada se razmatraju zahtjevi za vize građana nekih trećih zemalja. Ova procedura konsultacija može trajati do 14 - sedam dana. Dakle, podnosioci zahtjeva za vizu to moraju uzeti u obzir prilikom podnošenja zahtjeva za vizu. Pogledajite spisak zemalja za koje se zahtjevaju konsultacije.
Članovi porodica građana Evropske Unije / Evropskog Ekonomskog prostora i Švajcarske
Ako ste član porodice građana države - članice E.U.-a, E.E.P.-a ili Švajcarske, moguće je da imate pravo da budete usluženi direktno u Konzulatu i prioritetno kada dostavite zahtjev za vizu, da dostavite manji broj dokumenata i da ne platite taksu za vizu, ukoliko možete potvrdno odgovoriti na sledeća pitanja:
A) Da li postoji građanin EU-a, koji ostvaruje pravo slobodnog kretanja od koga podnosiocu zahtjeva za vizu proističu bilo koja prava?
B) Da li podnosilac zahtjeva za vizu spada u člana porodice?
C) Da li je podnosilac zahteva za vizu pratilac nekog građanina EU- a ili ide da se susretne sa građaninom EU-a?
Prava koja proističu iz odobrene vize
Odobravanjem vize za ulazak nosiocu vize ne odobrava se automatski i pravo na ulazak u Šengen zonu. Organi granične kontrole ili drugi nadležni organi mogu provjeravati cilj putovanja i da li su ispunjeni preduslovi za ulazak. Građani trećih zemalja prilikom ulaska u Grčku treba da budu u mogućnosti da dokažu da posjeduju neophodna finansijska sredstva za izdržavanje. Za informacije, pritisnite ovdje. Rezultat ovakvih kontrola može biti da se imaocu vize ne odobri ulazak.
Odbijanje zahtjeva za vizu
Ako se zahtjev za vizu odbije, konzularni organ obavijestiće Vas pismeno o razlozima odbijanja. Odbijanje zahtjeva za vizu predstavlja pojedinačni upravni akt, protiv kojeg možete podnijeti žalbu. U obrascu, kojim se obavještavate o odbijanju Vašeg zahtjeva, navedene su potrebne informacije o načinu na koji možete podnijeti žalbu.
Zahtjev za vizu podnosi se, po pravilu, u Konzularnoj Službi najmanje 15 dana prije planiranog putovanja, a najranije 3 mjeseca od planiranog putovanja.
Odluka po zahtjevu za vizu donosi se, po pravilu, u roku od 15 kalendarskih dana od dana podnošenja u Konzularnoj Službi i to je prihvaćeno. Ovaj rok može biti produžen najviše do 30 kalendarskih dana i, izuzetno u određenim slučajevima, do 60 kalendarskih dana. Konzlarna Služba će Vas obavijestiti o datumu donošenja odluke o Vašem zahjtevu, kada istu dobije.
Generalni uslovi za podnošenje zatjeva za vizu
Da biste podnijeli zahtjev za vizu potrebno je da priložite:
1. Popunjen i potpisan obrazac zahtjeva za vizu. Formular možete popuniti na: grčkom, engleskom, ili crnogorskom jeziku. Primjerak popunjenog formulara možete vidjeti ovdje (link).
2. Pasoš sa najmanje dvije prazne stranice. Pasoš mora biti izdat u toku poslednjih 10 godina. Pasoš mora važiti barem 3 mjeseca nakon datuma izlaska iz Šengen zone ili, u slučaju više putovanja, do datuma kada ste planirali izlazak nakon poslednjeg boravka.
3. Skorašnja fotografija, na osnovu standarda ICAO-a .
4. Otisci prstiju. Treba da se uzmu otisci prstiju podnosioca zahtjeva, ako nisu registrovani u VIS/ u u toku poslednjih 59 mjeseci, prilikom prethodnog podnošenja zahtjeva za Šengen vizu. Neke kategorije su izuzete iz ove obaveze.
5. Taksa za vizu. Taksa za vizu se plaća samo u gotovini (valuta euro) po podnošenju zahtjeva konzularnom organu. Molimo aplikante da sa sobom ponesu tačan iznos takse.Prateća dokumenta
7. Potvrđena povratna avionska karta ili pismena izjava da će podnosilac zahtjeva putovati automobilom/motociklom, u kome će navesti datum prvog ulaska i izlaska iz šengenskog prostora, kao i registarske tablice automobila/motocikla. U tom slučaju, treba donijeti na uvid saobraćajnu i vozačku dozvolu, zeleni karton itd.
8. Ugovor o radu, skorašnja izjava/pismo poslodavca podnosioca zahtjeva i radna knjižica. Za samozaposlene, registracija firme i izvod iz banke o finansijskom stanju kompanije.
9. Potvrđena hotelska rezervacija ili pozivno pismo od strane primaoca u šengenskoj zoni kojim se pokriva cijelo vrijeme boravka prvog ulaska u šengenski prostor. U tom slučaju, potpisi pojedinaca treba da budu pravno ovjereni. Ako poziv šalje kompanija, pozivno pismo treba da sadrži registarski broj preduzeća. Hotel mora poslati potvrđenu rezervaciju direktno Konzularnom odjeljenju.
10. Potvrda/pismo banke i analitički izvod transakcija za poslednjih 6 mjeseci, kojim se dokazuje imovinsko stanje podnosioca zahtjeva i posjedovanje dovoljnih sredstava za pokrivanje troškova života tokom boravka u šengenskom prostoru. Dodatni bankovni sertifikati/pismo i izvodi za poslednjih 6 mjeseci iz zemlje porijekla podnosioca zahtjeva, ako je dostupno. U slučaju nezaposlenih, vjenčani list ili bankovna potvrda/pismo i bankovni izvodi za poslednjih 6 mjeseci supružnika. Za maloljetna lica, neophodan je i izvog iz matične knjige rođenih.
Putno zdravstveno osiguranje
Podnosioci zahtjeva obavezni su posjedovati putno zdravstveno osiguranje, kojim se pokriva hitna medicinska pomoć, hospitalizacija i repatrijacija, odn. povratak u domovinu (uključjučujući i smrtne slučajeve). Najmanje pokriće treba biti 30.000 eura. Osiguranje mora da važi za cijelu Šengen zonu, u slučaju jedinstvene vize ili za teritoriju zemlje - članice ili zemalja / članica, u slučaju vize ograničene teritorijalne validnosti i za cijelo vrijeme trajanja boravka.
Molimo da imate u vidu da, u pojedinačnim slučajevima, Konzulat zadržava pravo da zahtijeva dodatna dokumenata i, ukoliko smatra potrebnim, da podnosioca zahtjeva pozove na intervju.
Information on the processing of your personal data - General Data Protection Regulation – information to be provided to visa applicants
Request for information on data in the national visa information system in Greece (N.VIS)
Request for correction or deletion of data in the national visa information system in Greece (N.VIS)
PAŽNJA! Kad Vam se pasoš vrati, molimo da provjerite da li ima grešaka na samoljepljivoj vizi. Ako utvrdite da postoji pogrešan unos, molimo Vas da o tome odmah obavijestite konzularnu službu. Ako to ne učiite, konzularna Služba ne snosi odgovornost za eventualne probleme sa kojima se možete suočiti prilikom realizacije Vašeg putovanja.
Pogledajite korisne informacije ovdje o vizi koja Vam je odobrena i o putovanju u Grčku i u Šengen zonu.
A long - term visa1 (National visa - D Type Visa) is an authorization issued by the competent Greek authorities for the entry and stay of third - country nationals in Greek territory for a period exceeding 90 and up to 365 days, according to the respective national legislation or European Union law on the residence status of third - country nationals.
Competent authority for issuing a national visa is the Greek diplomatic mission or consular post in whose jurisdiction the applicant is legally located.
According to Article 5, paragraph 7 of Act 4251/2014, national visas are issued based on the respective residence permit regulations and their duration is related, as the case may be, to that of intended stay. Additionally, Foreign Affairs Minister Decree F3497.3/AP24245/2014 (Government Gazette No. 1820, issue B’) determines the general supporting documents and the issuing procedure for national long - term entry visas2. Finally, Joint Ministerial Decree No. 30825/14 (Government Gazette No. 1528, issue B’,) specifies the documents required for issuing national entry visas and the issuing and renewing of residence permits pursuant to Act 4251/20143 .
National entry visas are issued regardless of whether or not the applicant, third - country national, is subject to an entry visa obligation, pursuant to Regulation (EC) No. 539/2001 of the European Union Council of March 15, 2001, as amended and in force, and does not grant its holder an irrevocable right of entry.
Meeting the requirements of the Joint Ministerial Decree provided by paragraph 1, Article 136 of Act 4245/2014 does not prejudge the issuance of a national long - term visa, which falls under the exclusive competence of the diplomatic mission or consular post.
National visas are issued based on the respective residence permit regulations and their duration is related, as the case may be, to that of the intended stay. National visas are not extended. (Article 5, paragraph 7 of Act 4251/2014).
In addition, national visas issued to third - country nationals are generally valid for one year (365 days), with the exception of persons provided by Article 18 of Act 4251/2014, who enter the country for a specific purpose and for a specific stay period, not exceeding one year, and the period of stay is related to achieving the purpose. In these cases, the competent consular post issues, without prejudice to the general and specific provisions on visas, national entry visas for periods not exceeding 365 days, without requiring the issuance of a residence permit by the jointly competent authorities. These categories are:
B1. Seasonal employees (up to 6 months).
B2. Fishworkers (up to 11 months).
B3. Members of artistic groups (up to 1 year).
B4. Employees legally employed by an undertaking established in a Member State of the European Union, who travel to provide a specific service under a contractual obligation (up to 1 year).
B5. Qualified technical staff employed by an undertaking established in a third country, under a procurement contract, to provide specific services (up to 6 months).
B5. Leaders of organized tourist groups (up to 8 months).
B6. Sportspersons, coaches and other specialized personnel for training purposes (up to 6 months).
B7. Students participating in a traineeship program (up to 6 months).
When issuing national entry visas, consular posts must inform the applicants that the possession of an entry visa does not exempt them from the obligation to file, immediately upon arrival in Greece, an application and the required supporting documents to the competent Aliens and Immigration Department of the Decentralized Administration of their place of residence or stay, to be provided with the corresponding residence permits (Article 7, paragraph 1 of Act 4251/2014).
An entry visa does not automatically confer further rights (e.g. possibility to work), but should be accompanied by a relevant certificate proving the lodging of an application to issue a residence permit. A residence permit is the legal document providing the necessary certification from the competent Greek authorities, based on which the third - country national is allowed to legally stay in Greek territory and have all rights provided for in the national immigration legislation4.
Since April 5, 2010, when the Visa Code and Regulation 265/2010 entered into force5, the principle of equivalence has been introduced between residence permits and long - term visas, as regards the free movement of their holders in the single Schengen area and, therefore, any third - country national holding a long - term visa issued by a Member State and having a period of validity of up to one year, may travel to other Member States for 90 days, within any period of 180 days, under the same terms applying to holders of residence permits, provided that he/she meets the requirements of Article 5, paragraph 1, points a), c), d) and e) of Regulation (EC) 562/20066 (Schengen Borders Code).
Third - country nationals wishing to receive a national long - term entry visa must present themselves in person before the Greek diplomatic mission or consular post in the jurisdiction of which they legally reside and regardless of the national visa category to be issued, in order to:
- be interviewed, to establish the purpose of their entry and stay in Greece,
- file the general supporting documents provided by the Minister of Foreign Affairs Decree F3497.3/AP24245/2014 (Government Gazette No. 1820, issue B’) and the specific supporting documents (see. Chapters A - H, as appropriate) provided by the Joint Ministerial Decree No. 30825/2014 (Government Gazette No. 1528, issue B’,).
Note: The Greek diplomatic mission or consular posts who have signed a contract of cooperation with an external service provider, pursuant to Article 43 and Annex X to the Visa Code (Regulation 810/2009/EU), may delegate to it the performance of one or more duties set out in paragraph 6, Article 43 of Regulation 810/2009/EU, for selected, at their discretion, types of national entry visas. - pay the required fees, as specified in the applicable national legislation.
The long - term visa (national visa - D Type Visa) may be issued under the following general conditions and as long as the applicant, third - country national, produces to the competent diplomatic mission or consular post:
- a fully completed and signed application form for a long - term national visa, accompanied by a recent colour photograph of the applicant, which must meet the relevant standards provided by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). The application form stands for the statutory declaration, provided by paragraph 6, Article 22 of Act 1599/1986, that the data reported are true and the supporting documents are not forged or falsified.
- a passport or any other travel document recognized by the competent Greek authorities meeting the following criteria: a) its validity exceeds by at least three months the intended date of departure from the territory of the Enhanced Schengen Cooperation Member - States or, in case of more than one visits, after the last intended date of departure from the territory of the Member - States; however, under reasoned urgent circumstances, this obligation may be lifted; b) it has at least two blank pages; c) it has been issued within the previous decade7.
- criminal record certificate issued by the foreign authorities, certifying the criminal status of the applicant in the country of his/her residence. In cases where the applicant demonstrably lives in a country different from that of his/her origin, for more than a year before lodging the entry visa application, the consular post may, additionally, request the presentation of a criminal record certificate issued by the country of nationality of the third - country national, as long as the country of his/her residence does not require a criminal record certificate issued by the country of nationality, to issue a residence permit.
In cases where there is a final court judgment, irrespective of the sentence, and in order to prove the relevance of the offence with reasons that may constitute a danger to public order and security, specific reasons are sought and individual parameters are weighed, such as the severity of the offence, recidivism and, in general, the unlawful conduct of the third - country national. - medical certificate issued by a recognized state or private institution, showing that the person concerned does not suffer from a disease which may constitute a risk to public health, according to the international data of the World Health Organization (WHO) and the European Union acquis, as well as other infectious, contagious or parasitic diseases, imposing the taking of measures to protect public health;
- the person concerned is not considered a threat to public order, internal security, public health or international relations and is not registered as undesirable in national databases,
- has travel insurance, with a duration equal to, at minimum, that of the visa issued, covering the costs which may arise in case of repatriation for medical reasons, for urgent medical care and/or for emergency hospital care.
In order to establish that there are no grounds for refusing entry under paragraph 2, Article 4 of Act 4251/2014, the competent diplomatic mission and consular post may require that additional supporting documents are filed.
1. Point (ie), Article 1 of Act 4251/2014 (Government Gazette no. 80, issue A’, 1/4/2014).
2. Enabling provision of Article 136, paragraph 16 of Act 4251/2014 (Government Gazette no. 80, issue A’, 1.4.2014).
3. Enabling provision of Article 136, paragraph 16 of Act 4251/2014 (Government Gazette no. 80, issue A’, 1.4.2014).
4. Point q), Article 1 of Act 4251/2014 (Government Gazette No. 80, issue A’, 1/4/2014).
5. Official Journal Official Journal of the European Union No. L 85, March 31, 2010, p. 1.
6. Official Journal Official Journal of the European Union No. L 105 of 13 April 2006, p. 1.
7. In case of non - recognition of the travel document by Greece, the competent diplomatic mission or consular post may issue to the third - country national a long - term entry visa in uniform format, as defined by Regulation (EC) No. 333/2002 of the Council of February 18, 2002, for the introduction of the uniform form, on which the visa issued by Member States to persons holding travel documents not recognized by the Member State issuing the form is affixed [Article 2, point 8 of Regulation (EC) 810/2009 [Visa Code/Official Journal of the European Union No. L 53, 23.2.2002].