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Посольство Греции в Москве
Главная arrow О нас arrow Посольство Греции в Москве arrow Новости Посольства arrow Foreign Minister N. Kotzias statements regarding yesterday’s multiple terrorist attacks in Germany, Switzerland, and Turkey (Cairo, 20 December 2016)

Foreign Minister N. Kotzias statements regarding yesterday’s multiple terrorist attacks in Germany, Switzerland, and Turkey (Cairo, 20 December 2016)

Thursday, 22 December 2016
JOURNALIST: Mr. Minister, what are your comments on yesterday’s multiple terrorist attacks that shocked Turkey and Europe?

N. KOTZIAS: First of all, I would like to express my support to the people of Turkey, Germany, and Switzerland. I would also like to express my support for the victims’ families and to condemn these attacks, while also expressing my abhorrence. In particular, I believe that the murder of the Russian Ambassador in Ankara has stunned every person who is involved in foreign policy.

These attacks reflect the instability seen in the wider region, at the center of which our country stands as a pole of stability. Indeed, the need for us to pursue stabilization policies – and first of all with such countries as the great and historically significant nation of Egypt – is confirmed. I believe that everybody now understands what we have been saying for the past two years; namely, that the stability of countries such as Egypt and the end of the wars in Syria and Iraq are prerequisites for overcoming today’s problems.

Thank you very much.
