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Greek Media in Switzerland

Sunday, 08 December 2019


Annual Magazine the main idea of which is the triptych Language - Travel - Culture. It has tributes to various parts of Greece, and is written in Greek. It does, however, include articles in German and French.

Bantigerstr.32, 3006 Bern - Suisse

Tel and Fax : 0041 31 332 06 58


Publisher: Dimitra Quartz - Pfister


Newsletter. It is published in hard copy and electronically three times a year in English, French, Greek, Spanish, Portuguese and Russian by the International ‘‘Society of Friends of Nikos Kazantzakis’’.

Société Internationale ‘‘Amis de Nikos Kazantzaki’’

Case Postale 2714

1211 Geneva 2 Dépôt




Monthly magazine of the Orthodox Center of the Ecumenical Patriarchate.

37, Chemin de Chambésy

1292 Chambésy-Genève-Suisse

Tel. +41227589860 Fax: +41227589861


Annual edition by the Lausanne-Hellenic Friendship Association, in collaboration with the John Gabriel Eynard Association, in Geneva. Its contents include articles of cultural, historical, archaeological interest, as well as the activities of the two Associations, in French.

Editors: Christiane Bron, Lausanne, André-Louis Rey, Geneva

Case Postale 31, 1001 Lausanne, CCP 10-4528-0

Case Postale 5032, Geneva 1211, CCP 12-8216-7


Magazine written in German, with information about Greece and the activities of the Philhellenic Cultural Association “Hellasfreunde”.



Tel .: Fred Wyss: +41 (0) 31 931 02 13
