Sunday, 12 January 2025
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Embassy of Greece in London
Attention: Αll the male Greek citizens, who were born in 2007, are obliged to fill in and send to their Military Office in Greece, the enumeration sheet within the period 2.1.2025-31.3.2025 Online declaration of loss of Greek passport or ID card Greek citizens are now able to declare online the loss of their Greek ID card or passport, provided that the citizen holds a TaxisNet or web banking account. Alternatively, they candeclare the loss at their closest Greek Consular Authority. Attention: In accordance with the Community Code on Visas short term visitors to Greece (and to the Schengen area in general) must be in possession of a valid travel document. The Travel document’s validity shall extend at least three months after the intended date of departure from Greece (or the Schengen area in general), and it shall have been issued within the previous 10 years Attention: ETA authorisation will be needed for entry of Greek citizens in the UK from 2 April 2025
Home arrow About Us arrow Embassy of Greece in London arrow News arrow FinMin omnibus bill tabled in Parliament

FinMin omnibus bill tabled in Parliament


An omnibus draft bill prepared by the Greek finance ministry and containing all prerequisites, agreed with the country's EC-ECB-IMF troika of lenders, for the disbursement of a 6.8 billion euros of financial aid to Greece by next October, was tabled in Parliament on Tuesday evening.

A Eurogroup meeting on Monday agreed to make staggered payments of its financial aid to Greece.

The omnibus draft bill relates to reforms in the labour, economic and public administration sectors.

The process to set the level of the minimum wage will begin in the last ten days of February each year, as of 2017 as provided for in the omnibus bill. The process will be completed in the last fortnight of June, following the proposals forwarded to the Cabinet by the Labour Minister, having considered the outcome of consultations between employers and employees.

The Cabinet will then adopt the decision which will define the minimum salary of employees and minimum wage of labourers.

The above process will follow the consultations between the social partner (employers and employees) and the Government, with technical and scientific support in economic issues, labour economics, social policy and industrial relations.

Last Updated Wednesday, 10 July 2013