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Economic and Trade Relations
The Greek-US trade relations are governed by the legal framework (network of agreements) between the United States and the EU as a whole, and lie within the context of multilateral regulations of the WTO.
Full access of Greek industrial products is guaranteed in the US market, whereas some exceptions are imposed by the US side on certain agricultural products (fresh as well as processed). The EU-US Agreement of 1993 provides Greek enterprises with additional opportunities of access to U.S. public contracts.
The main Greek products traditionally exported to the United States include food and agricultural products, tobacco, razors, petroleum products/by-products, cement, clothing and apparel, fur articles, marble, steel products and pipes. US exports to Greece consist mainly of telecommunications equipment, electrical equipment, computers and electronic equipment, medical and pharmaceutical items, machinery and parts, timber and wood-pulp as well as agricultural products.
Despite the good level of bilateral economic and commercial ties, ample room for improvement has been identified on both sides and an even closer economic cooperation has been pursued in recent years. On the Government-to-Government level, the high-level Greece-US Economic &Commercial Cooperation Committee (ECCC) has served as a strategic tool for both sides to enhance bilateral economic cooperation and trade flows. In the business sector, efforts are being undertaken to promote B2B cooperation between Greek and US companies (joint-ventures or subcontracts), aiming at facilitating the access to the wider markets of Southeastern Europe, the Black Sea/Caucasus region and the Middle East, leveraging Greece’s strategic geo-economic position and America’s technological and business leading edge.
For information on bilateral economic relations, you can visit the AGORA internet portal.
Office E.C.A. Washington
Office E.C.A. New York
Office E.C.A. San Francisco
Office E.C.A. Chicago
See also Invest in Greece Agency and American Hellenic Chamber of Commerce