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Passport Information
Announcement: According to Law 4962/2022, Article 87 «Legislative Regulations for passport issuance», passports that will be issued after Sept 1st, 2022 to adults or minors exceeding the age of 14 years old, will have a ten-year validity period.
The new machine-readable Greek passports are produced using state-of-the-art technology to meet the highest possible security standards and specifications.
As of 26 August 2006, Greek passports incorporate an integrated microchip with biometric data, as required by the latest European Union specifications.
Pursuant to European Union regulation 2252/2004, starting 1 January 2006, the Hellenic Police will assume complete responsibility for issuing/renewing biometric passports.
As of 1 January 2007, only new passports issued by the Passport Division of the Hellenic Police are valid.
Greek Consulates are responsible for the following:
• Collecting applications and supporting documents,
• Safely forwarding such documents to Hellenic Police,
• Receiving passports from the Hellenic Police, and
• Handing over passports to their rightful owners.
The required time for the completion of this process is approximately 4-5 weeks.
We kindly inform you that, in order to apply or renew your passport, an appointment is required with the relevant Greek Consular Authority in the USA.
ATTENTION: Only Greek Citizens are entitled to apply for a Greek passport. American citizens of Greek background who do not hold Greek citizenship as well (Greek citizenship is proven through the registration of a person in a Municipality in Greece) are not entitled to a Greek passport. |
Supporting Documents:
Supporting documents submitted must be recent and have been issued within the last six (6) months (Article 2, par. 2, Common Ministerial Decision 3021/22/10).
Applications for new passports or renewal of existing passports must be made in person.
In order for the application to be accepted by authorized personnel, all required supporting documents, without exception, must accompany said application.
In the case of minors, supporting documents are submitted by the parents or legal guardians of said minor. In case only one parent is present, the written consent of the other parent is required, with the latter’s signature certified either by local consular offices or a U.S. public authority.
List for Supporting Documents:
1. Application (completed at the Consular Mission)
2. Previous passport (provided it exists). This passport will be returned to its owner until delivery of a new one, at which point it will be handed over and invalidated.
3. Recent (no more than a month old) colorl photograph 4x6 cm (1.6 x 2.3 inches) of particular technical specifications, light-colored background and the face looking directly into the camera. We emphasize that if the photograph does not meet the required specifications, the application will be rejected by the Central Division of Passport Issuance in Athens.
4. A police identity card (with the number of municipal registration on its back side) or certificate of municipal registration, issued during the last six months. Birth certificate may be issued from the Passport Department by the time of the interview.
A Greek police identity card must have been issued in the last 15 years and must state the full names of the parents, city and country of birth of the holder as well as the full date of birth (eg 19-12-1954) with the number of municipal registration on its back side). If the applicant does not have a Greek police identity card, he or she can provide an original birth certificate from the Municipality in Greece where he or she is registered. If the applicant does not have an original birth certificate issued within the last six months, the Consular Authority will request one from the competent Greek Municipality. |
5. Sworn statement (completed at the Consular Mission) in which the applicant notes whether:
• he/she has ever been convicted of specific crimes relating to the issuance, use, loss or theft of passports;
• there are criminal proceedings pending against him/her or whether he/she has been indicted for the aforementioned offences;
• He/she has ever been declared a draft dodger or deserter;
• He/she is banned from leaving the country;
• He/she possesses a valid passport.
6. (Only for males 19-45 years of age) Persons under military deferment must provide a Type B Certificate. Those declared deserters living abroad must provide certification of their military office in Greece, certifying such a declaration. These documents must have been issued within six months of the passport application. Contact the Military Office of the Consulate in order to collect the necessary documents.
List of Supporting Documents for Issuing Passport to Minors
1. Application (completed at the Consular Mission by the parents or legal guardians)
2. Previous passport (provided there is one). This passport will be returned to its owner until delivery of new one, at which point it will be handed over and invalidated.
3. Recent (no more than a month old) color digital photograph 4x6 m (1.6 x 2.3 inches) of particular technical specifications, light-colored background and the face looking directly into the camera. We emphasize that if the photograph does not meet the required specifications, the application will be rejected by the Central Division of Passport Issuance in Athens.
4. A police identity card for minors over the age of 12. If the applicant does not have a police Identity card, he/she must submit an original certificate of municipal registration.
For minors over the age of 12, a Greek police identity card is necessary. If the applicant does not have a Greek police identity card, he or she can provide an original birth certificate from the Municipality in Greece where he or she is registered. If the applicant does not have an original birth certificate issued within the last six months, the Consular Authority will request one from the competent Greek Municipality. |
5. (Only for minors over the age of 13) Sworn statement (completed at the Consulate) in which the applicant notes whether:
• He/she has ever been convicted of specific crimes relating to the issuance, use, loss or theft of passports;
• there are criminal proceedings pending against him/her or whether he/she has been indicted for the aforementioned offences;
For kids and adolescents:
- The presence of both parents is necessary, unless one of them has the legal custody. In the latter case, proof of custody should be presented to the officer during the interview. Υοu must bring the Court Decision which proves that you have full custody and a
recent certificate (issued within the last 6 months) that clearly states that no appeal has been brought against this decision.
- Children must come to the office, too (they can bring their American passport – if they have one, or school I.D.)
- The parents must bring their Greek Police Identity card or valid Greek passport or valid alien passport, if one of them is not Greek.
Person under Guardianship or Judicial Assistance
In the case of adult persons under guardianship or judicial assistance, the presence of said guardian and/or judicial assistant is required at the time of the submission of application, and a certified copy of the relevant decision on guardianship/judicial assistance must be presented.
Passport Delivery
Passports must be picked up in person or by a legal guardian or person legally authorized, and proper identification must be provided. Legal guardians and legally authorized persons must also provide a power of attorney with their signature certified by a Greek Consular Mission or any other Greek or
American administrative authority.
In all cases, proof of having applied and provided all relevant documentation must be shown.
When new passports are picked up, applicants are required to submit their old passport for cancellation.
The Consulate General/Consulate is at your disposal for any clarifications and information you may require.
Passport Fees
The fees for the issuance of Greek passports are as follows:
Passports for applicants over 14 years of age: €84,40*
Passports for applicants up to 14 years of age: €73,60*
*Passport fees are paid cash only in US dollars (you may view the current exchange rate at the bottom of this page).
REJECTION OF THE PASSPORT APPLICATION In case the passport application is rejected the fee paid is refundable, minus the equivalent of 5 Euros in USD, which accounts for postage and handling. |
PASSPORT RENEWAL Applications for passport renewal can only be accepted maximum one year prior to the expiration date. |
In case of loss or theft of a valid Greek passport in USA the holder bears the obligation to inform at the earliest the nearest Greek Consular Authority as well as the local Police. |
In case of loss or theft of one’s passport in USA, the holder must report the incident, as soon as possible, to the local USA Police Authority obtaining confirmation of his/her report (e.g. crime reference number). Furthermore, one needs also to proceed to the Consular Authority to report the loss/theft to the relevant Greek Authorities. |
The Consular Authority proceeds with an investigation concerning the circumstances of loss or theft of the passport, which can last up to 3 months from the date of the report at the Consular Authority. In case that the passport is lost/stolen again within 5 years, the investigation can last up to a year, depending on the case. As long as the investigation is in process, a new passport cannot be issued. In case of a loss/theft, the submission of a new application is only possible after 90 days from the day of The declaration of the loss/theft at the Consular Authority. |
For further information or any clarification, please contact the nearest Greek Consular Authority in the USA or check the National Hellenic Passport Centre’s website: http://www.passport.gov.gr/en/ |
Recent (no more than a month old) color digital photograph 4x6 cm (1.6 x 2.3 inches) of particular technical specifications, light-colored background and the face looking directly into the camera. We emphasize that if the photograph does not meet the required specifications (see details), the application will be rejected by the Central Division of Passport Issuance in Athens.
Please contact the relevant Greek Consular Authority in the USA for further information.