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Pets animals
Animal health requirements applicable to non-commercial movement of pet animals. Implementation of the Regulation (EC) 998/2003.
Veterinary legislation regulating the non-commercial pet movement comprises of:
1. The Regulation (EC) 998/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council, as amended by the Regulation (EC) 425/2005 of the EU Commission (replacement of Annex II) according to which common rules of animal health requirements are being established for the non commercial movement of pet animals between Member States, as well as for those pet animals coming from third countries.
2. The Decision 2003/803/EC of the EU Commission establishing a common model passport for the intra-Community pet movement (dogs, cats, and ferrets).
3. The Decision 2004/824/EC of the EU Commission establishing the veterinary certificate type required for the movement of pet animals (dogs, cats, ferrets over 3 months) accompanying travelers from third countries.
4. The Decision 2004/839/EC of the EU Commission establishing conditions for non-commercial movements of young dogs and cats less than 3 months from third countries into the Community.
5. The Decision 2004/233/EC (as last amended by decision 2005/392/EC) of the EU Commission establishing a list of veterinary laboratories in the EU Member States, authorised to carry out the rabies antibody titration test.
6. The Decision 2004/301/EC (as last amended by decision 2004/539/EC) of the EU Commission establishing some transitional measures relevant to the passports and the veterinary certificates issued prior to the 1st of October 2004 and continue to be valid.
7. The Decision 2005/91/EC of the EU Commission establishing the period after which the anti-rabies vaccination is considered as valid.
8. The national Law 3170/2003 regarding “pet animals, stray pet animals and other provisions”(A’ 191).
9. The national Joint Decision with Ref.No.280241/18.11.2003 of the Minister of the Interior, Public Administration and Decentralization and the Minister of Agriculture regarding “Marking, recording of domestic dogs and other provisions”(B’ 1777).
1. “Pet animals”: means animals of the following species:
a) dogs, cats
b) ferrets(family of mammals comprising the species of ferrets, weasels, ermines, zibelines)
c) spiders and other invertebrates(except bees and crustaceans)
d) ornamental tropical fish
e) amphibia, reptiles
f) birds: all species
g) rodents and domestic rabbits,
accompanied by their owners or a natural person responsible for them on behalf of the owner during their movement and are not intended to be sold or transferred to another owner.
Pet animals, which are not travelling by the same means of transport along with their owner or a natural person responsible for such animals on behalf of the owner, are considered to be commercial dispatches and are ruled in accordance with the Presidential Decree 184/1996 “animal health requirements ruling the trade of other animal species . . . in compliance with the Directive 92/65/EEC” (A’ 137).
2. “Movement”: means any movement of a pet animal
a) outside the limits of the property area of the pet owner
b) from Greece to other Member States and vice versa
c) during the entry or re-entry from a third country into the Greek territory.
3. “Passport”: means the document enabling the clear identification of the pet (dog, cat, and ferret) whose owner is a EU citizen.
Passports have to respond to the requirements laid down in the Decision 2003/803/EC of the European Commission. According to the Joint Ministerial Decision No. 280241/18.11.2003 (B’ 1777), the Panhellenic Veterinary Association is responsible for the issuing of passports in Greece and is also obliged to keep an electronic database with full identification data of the animals.
4. “Veterinary certificate”: the official document, which must accompany pet animals (dogs, cats and ferrets) during their entry into the Greek territory, when the pet animals come from a third country and are being accompanied by their owner or by a natural person on behalf of the owner.
This document should be in accordance with the model defined in the Decision 2004/824/EC of the European Commission (see point E.2.d.).
1. Electronical Identification System (microchip)
a) From the 1st of June 2004 and onwards, according to the Joint Ministerial Decision No.280241/18.11.2003(B’ 1777) dog owners in Greece are required to have their pets marked by means of the electronic identification system (microchip). Pet clinics are required to inform their clients by hanging up a newsletter at the announcement table.
b) From the 1st of October 2004 and onwards, dogs, cats and ferrets moved to the territory of other Member States accompanied by their owners or a natural person responsible for these animals on behalf of the owner, must bear a transponder (an electronic identification system) in compliance with ISO standard 11784 or 11785. Where the transponder does not comply with those standards, the owner or the natural person responsible for the pet animal must provide the necessary means for reading the transponder at the time of any inspection. Pet animals that are identified by bearing a tattoo may also be moved under certain requirements.
2. Anti-rabies vaccination
The anti-rabies vaccination and revaccination must be carried out, in accordance with the recommendations of the manufacturing laboratory, with an inactivated vaccine of at least one antigenic unit per dose, according to the WHO standard.
The anti-rabies vaccination shall be considered as valid 21 days from the date of completion of the vaccination protocol required by the manufacturer for the primary vaccination in the country in which the vaccination is administered. However, the anti-rabies vaccination shall be considered as valid from the date of revaccination (booster) where the vaccine is administered within the period of validity indicated by the manufacturer of a previous vaccination in the country in which the previous vaccination was administered. The vaccination shall be considered as a primary vaccination in the absence of veterinary certification attesting the previous vaccination.
3. Rabies antigen check
Sample of the blood serum taken by an authorised veterinarian, member of the Panhellenic Veterinary Association, at least 30 days after vaccination, is sent to one of the approved laboratories included in the Annex of the Decision 2004/233/EC, as last amended, in order to be tested for rabies antibody titration.
Approved Greek laboratory: Center of Athens Veterinary Institutions, Virus Department, 25, Neapoleos Str., GR-153 10 Ag. Paraskevi, tel.: 2106010903 and 2106011499.
Neutralizing antibody titration should be at least equal to 0,5 UI/ml. Rabies antigen check is obligatory when the animals move in certain EU countries.
The pet owner bears the costs of the laboratory checks.
4. Pet animals moved by public means of transportation
Pet animals moved by public means of transportation, must be placed in an appropriate and safe cage.
It is obligatory to refer on the cage: the full name of the owner, the postal address and the telephone number, in order to be easily traced at any time.
1. Within the Greek territory
Dog owners accompanying their pet animal when travelling, are required to carry the animal passport. They are obliged to submit it, at request, to any competent authority.
2. Movements from Greece to other Member States of the European Union (except United Kingdom, Ireland, Malta and Sweden)
a) Movements of dogs, cats, and ferrets over three (3) months of age:
- Pet animals must be identified by the electronic identification system (microchip).
- Pet animals must be accompanied by the pet passport (laid down in the Decision 2003/803/EC) issued by the Panhellenic Veterinary Association, verified for the validity of the anti-rabies vaccination by an authorized veterinarian, member of the Panhellenic Veterinary Association.
b) Movements of dogs, cats, and ferrets under three (3) months of age:
For the movements of pet animals under three months of age that are unvaccinated against rabies, the permission of the Member State of destination is required. It is possible to be issued:
- For very young animals that depend on their mothers.
- For animals not accompanied by their mothers, but bear an electronic identification mark and are accompanied by a passport and a veterinary certificate stating that:
- Their mother has been vaccinated against rabies and at parturition time the vaccination period was valid,
- They haven’t been in contact with wild animals, therefore they haven’t been exposed to rabies infection.
3. Movements from Greece to United Kingdom, Ireland, Malta and Sweden
a) Movements of dogs, cats, and ferrets over three (3) months of age:
- Pet animals have to be identified electronically (microchip).
- Pet animals must be accompanied by the passport laid down in the Decision 2003/803/EC, issued by the Panhellenic Veterinary Association. On the passport, an authorized veterinarian, member of the Panhellenic Veterinary Association, will certify a valid anti-rabies vaccination or revaccination, as well as the results of the serological tests of the rabies antibody titration.
For the next movements of the same pet animal no check is required for the rabies antibodies titration, since there hasn’t been a break in the vaccination protocol required by the manufacturing laboratory.
- Pet animals have to be submitted to tick treatment and echinococcus treatment at the interval between 24 and 48 hours prior to their departure.
b) Movements of dogs, cats, and ferrets under three (3) months of age:
Except where the competent authority grants a derogation in specific cases, animals under three months of age may not be moved before they have reached the required age of vaccination against rabies (three months old) and, where provided for in the rules, they have undergone a test to determine antibody titration.
Animals that do not meet the above-mentioned requirements are subject to isolation in quarantine in the destination country.
4. Movements from other Member States to Greece
a) Movements of dogs, cats, and ferrets over three (3) months of age:
- Animals should be identified electronically (microchip) or by a clear readable tattoo.
- Animals should be accompanied by the passport laid down in the Commission Decision 2003/803/EC, which verifies the vaccination or revaccination against rabies.
b) Movements of dogs, cats, and ferrets under three (3) months old:
Movements of animals under three (3) months old unvaccinated against rabies, are free, under the requirement that:
- Since they are dependent on their mothers and are accompanied by their mothers during their movement, a verification is attached, or the date of labour, the number of the young and possibly the identification characteristics of the young are entered in Chapter XI on the mother’s passport.
- In case that the young are not accompanied by their mother the following are required for them:
- To be electronically identified or by a clear readable tattoo,
- To bear a passport, and
- To be accompanied by a veterinary certificate verifying that “their mother has been vaccinated against rabies and that the vaccination period during the labour period is valid. The animals have not been in contact with wild animals and have not been exposed to rabies infection .”
c) Non commercial movements of other pet animals:
Until the relevant community rules are laid down, movements of rodents, rabbits, reptiles, amphibia, ornamental fish, spiders and other intervebrates (except bees and crustaceans) is free, not subject to animal health restrictions and is not required to be accompanied by veterinary certificates.
With reserve to possible animal health restrictions, birds movements is veterinary free from a veterinary point of view, provided that they will be accompanied by a veterinary declaration.
5. Movement from other countries EEA (European Economic Area)
Movement of pet animals from Andorra, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Monaco, Norwegian, San Marino, Switzerland, and the Vatican to Greece are ruled by the rules referred to the previous point D4.
Since the 1st of October 2004 and onwards, in order for the pet animals entry to be allowed into the Greek territory, the following requirements are valid:
1. Greece is the direct destination
The entry of pet animals (that are not included in the list of the Commission Decision 2001/881/EC, as amended and in force) is prohibited at entry points where no authorized Border Inspection Posts operate.
The entry of pet animals is allowed:
- Through authorized Border Inspection Posts regardless whether they are authorized or not for the introduction of live animals.
Athens International Airport | Building 26 | 190.04 | SPATA | 210-3538455 | 210 3538454 | sykeell@otenet.gr |
PIREAUS Port | N. Ikonio of Perama | 188.63 | N. IKONIO | 210-4329847, 210-4329711 |
210 4329847 | sykepir@otenet.gr |
EYZONI Road | FYROM Borders | 610.01 | POLYKASTRO KILKIS | 23430-25025, 23430-51044 |
23430 25023 | sykeeyz@otenet.gr |
EIDOMENI Railway | FYROM Borders | 610.05 | EIDOMENI KILKIS | 23430-91010 | 23430 91010 |
sykeeyz@otenet.gr |
THESSALONIKI (Port) | Door 8 | 541.10 | THESSALONIKI | 2310-531855, 2310-527369 | 2310 527369 |
syke@otenet.gr |
THESSALONIKI (Airport) | Commercial station of Airport “Macedonia” | 551.03 | THESSALONIKI | 2310-475858, 2310-475859 | 2310 475859 |
syke@otenet.gr |
KAKAVIA Road | Albania Borders | 453.32 | KAKAVIA | 26570-51690 | 26570 51690 |
sykekav@otenet.gr |
PEPLOS Road | Kipi Bridge Turkey Borders | 685.00 | EVROS | 25550-31155, 25550-31255 |
25550 31255 |
vetpeplo@otenet.gr |
ORMENIO Road | Dikaia Bulgaria Borders | 680.07 | EVROS | 25560-41738, 25560-31221 | 25560 41739 |
vetorm@otenet.gr |
PROMACHONAS Road/Railway | Promachonas Bulgaria Borders | 623.00 | SERRES | 23230-41213, 23230-22353 |
23230 41211 |
vetprom@otenet.gr |
NEOS KAFCASOS | FYROM Borders | 531.00 | FLORINA | 23850-92892 | 23850 92587 |
sykeflor@otenet.gr |
- Through island entry points included in the Decision 94/641/EC of the European Commission.
List of island entry points
1. Rhodes port and airport
2. Kos port and airport
3. Kalimnos
4. Mitilini port and airport
5. Mirina (Limnos) port and airport
6. Chios port and airport
7. Samos port and airport
8. Ermoupolis (Syros)
9. Argostoli port
10. Iraklio (Crete) port and airport
11. Chania (Crete) port and airport
12. Corfu port and airport
The Veterinary authorities of the above-mentioned entry-points are obliged to:
– have at their disposal the specific space in order to isolate the animals, the entry of which is not permitted, until they return to their country of dispatch.
– to provide the necessary means for reading the transponder, according to the ISO Standard 11784 or 11785.
2. Entry of dogs, cats and ferrets over three (3) months of age
The animals should :
a) – bear an electronic identification system (microchip) according to the ISO
Standard 11784 or 11785. In case the electronic identification of the
animal does not comply with this standard, the owner of the animal must
provide the veterinarian the necessary means for reading the transponder at the time of the inspection or
– bear a clearly readable tattoo.
b) be vaccinated against rabies or revaccinated, in accordance with the
recommendations of the manufacturing laboratory, with an inactivated
vaccine of at least one antigenic unit per dose (WHO standard)
c) have undergone a neutralizing antibody titration at least equal to 0,5 IU/ml carried out on a sample taken at least 30 days after vaccination and three months before being moved, in case the animal is coming from a country not included in annex II, chapter C of the Regulation (EC) 998/2003 (as last amended).
For the next movements of the same animal this antibody titration need not be renewed as the vaccination protocol required by the manufacturing laboratory is not interrupted.
A certified copy of the serological test of the animal carried out by the laboratory must be attached to the animal health certificate.
d) be accompanied by a certificate issued by an official veterinarian according to the below model, which is in the Annex of the Commission Decision 2004/824/EC.
Download the veterinary certificate.
· Veterinary Certificate
3. Entry of dogs, cats and ferrets under three (3) months of age
The entry into the Greek territory is allowed for pet animals under three months of age, unvaccinated against rabies, only from third countries included in annex II, Chapter C of Regulation (EC) 998/2003, under the condition that:
- they are accompanied by their mother during their movements and are not more than four . The veterinary health certificate should certify the date of birth and the characteristics of the newly born or
- In case the young are not accompanied by their mother, the following are required for them:
- to be electronically identified (microchip) or by a clear readable tattoo.
- to be accompanied by a veterinary certificate in accordance with the annex of the commission decision 2004/824/EC. At point IV, the date of the last vaccination of the mother should be mentioned. This date must be at least 30 days before the date of birth referred to at point II. It should also be certified that there is no contact with wild animals likely to have been exposed to rabies infection.
4. Entry of other pet animals
Until the Community rules be adopted:
a) the entry of reptiles, amphibians, ornamental tropical fish, spiders and invertebrates (except bees and crustaceans) is permitted without veterinary health restrictions and veterinary certification.
b) the entry of rodents, domestic rabbits and birds is permitted if they are accompanied by a veterinary certificate, in accordance with the model included in the previous point D.4.c) .
5. Entry into the territory of the EU having Greece as the final destination
Pet animals entering into Greece through the territory of another member-state should meet the requirements of the above-mentioned points 2, 3 and 4.
6. Entry into Greece with destination other member-States (except United Kingdom, Ireland, Malta and Sweden)
– Dogs, cats and ferrets over three (3) months of age entering into Greece with destination other member-states, must be accompanied by certificates established in the Decision 2004/824/EC.
– Dogs and cats under three months of age are subject to the requirements of the destination country.
– Ferrets and other species of pets are subject to the requirements of the destination
7. Entry into Greece with destination the United Kingdom, Ireland, Malta and Sweden.
Dogs, cats and ferrets from third countries with destination the United Kingdom, Ireland, Malta and Sweden are kept in quarantine in the destination country unless they are in accordance with previous point D.3. In these countries, according Commission Decision 2004/839/EC, the movements of young dogs and cats from third countries is not allowed until the animal concerned has reached more than three months of age.
8. Re-entry of animals coming from the EU
The re-entry of these animals is permitted as they are accompanied by their passport without a break in the vaccination protocol against rabies required by the manufacturing laboratory.
The movement of pet animals from Greece to non-EU countries is subject to the national provisions of each country.
Visitors have at least six (6) months before their departure to ask for information from the competent authorities of the country of destination or possibly from the Embassies of the countries of destination, in Greece.
The veterinary services must take under consideration this information in order to be informed about the requirements of the country of destination, to carry out the necessary blood tests and establish the requested model veterinary certificates.
1. The veterinary certificate for non-commercial movement of dogs, cats and ferrets from third countries, is valid for intra-Community movement for a period of four (4) months from the date of issue or until the expiry date of the vaccination against rabies. The earliest date will be taken into consideration.
2. In case the certificate is issued and signed by a veterinary surgeon, the competent authority of the country of dispatch must validate this certificate.
3. In case of a subsequent movement to Finland, Ireland, Malta, Sweden or the United
Kingdom, parts V, VI and VII of the veterinary certificate (Decision 2004/824/EC) must be completed, in compliance with the national law of these countries.
1.In the interior of the country:
– Safeguard measures concerning the veterinary checks applicable in the Greek territory are laid down in parts B and D of the Presidential Decree 420/1993 (A'179).
– Safeguard measures provided for the control procedures applied in the marking, identification and protection of pet animals as well as their certification, are laid down in the provisions of the law 3170/2003 and P.D. 344/1998 (A'229).
a) The Veterinary authorities of the Prefectures are obliged to take any legal measures or to impose penalties, according to articles 12 and 13 of the law 3170/2003, in case that pet owners do not comply with the provisions’ requirements referred to in point A. They also ought to contribute and to look into the cases referred to them by the other controlling authorities and Agencies.
b) The responsible persons for the passengers’ transportation by ship
c) Companies responsible for the passengers’ transportation by planes
d) The responsible persons for the passengers’ transportation by train
e) The drivers of turist buses and the other means of transportation ought to:
inform the owners accompanying the animals about the rules imposed on the movements of their animals and not allow the animals to board without passport or identification
f) The officers of the Forestry Services as far as concerns the hunting dogs, the Municipal Police, the Local Authorities Organization, the Police Departments, the Port Authorities and every controlling authority have the responsibility of :
– controlling the passports of the pet animals or hunting dogs
– verifying the identification of the animals (microchip number)
In case of infringement, the above-mentioned authorities must cooperate with the nearest local veterinary unit.
g) Individual travelers, traveling with their animals must always carry all the provided accompanying documents of the animal and submit them to the competent controlling authorities if they are asked for it.
2. In the entry-points from third countries
a) The custom authorities and the guards of the borders in the entry-points which are not licenced for the entry of pet animals must not allow them to enter into Greek territory.
The custom authorities of the entry-points, through which the entry of pet animals is allowed, must cooperate with the component veterinary authorities and send the animals for veterinary control.
b) The B.I.Ps and the veterinary authorities in the entry-points of the islands referred in the Commission Decision 94/641/EC, must proceed to:
– the control of the accompanying documents,
– the identification of the animals,
– the potential clinical examination of the animals
If controls indicate that the animals do not meet the requested requirements, they will decide :
– either to send the animals back to the country of dispatch
– or to isolate the animals for as long as it is necessary.
– or to make euthanasia without compensation, in case it is impossible to send them back or isolate them.
The animals should be accompanied by the original necessary previously documents, sealed properly as following:
Entry Permitted Date……………………… Name of the Veterinarian ……………………………. Signature…………………… Stamp |
Entry Prohibited Date…………………… Name of the Veterinarian …………………………… Signature…………………. Stamp |
The print of the above-mentioned decision of the veterinarian must be of different colour of the certification printing.
A copy of the original veterinary certification should be kept in the files concerning the non-commercial movements of live animals of the veterinary service in the entry-points, for three years.
c) Animals that are more than five (5), regardless species, or if not accompanied, are considered as commercial dispatch and are therefore subject to control procedures laid down by the provisions on live animals imports.
6, Kapnokoptiriou str. 10176 Athens
1. Directorate for Animal Health
Section A. Ioanna Aggeli tel: 210-2125713
Mary Gianniou tel: 210-2125714
Fax: 210-8252673
2. Directorate of K.A.F.E. (Veterinary Welfare, Drugs & Applications)
Section A. Chryssoula Dile tel: 210-2125734
Fax: 210-8231267