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Home arrow About Us arrow Embassy of Greece in Washington DC arrow News arrow Preparedness for hurricane season – important info for Greek citizens

Preparedness for hurricane season – important info for Greek citizens

Wednesday, 12 September 2018

1.In the context of the hurricane season in the US, the Greek Embassy in Washington informs its nationals that the US authorities have declared a state of emergency in North and South Carolina, Virginia, Maryland and District of Columbia. They have also issued the following preparedness tips to foreign citizens:

- register contact information and travel plans with their country’s Embassy or Consulate.

- get the latest weather updates and emergency instructions (https://www.nhc.noaa.gov/ and https://www.fema.gov)

- take precautionary measures based on what is recommended at https://www.ready.gov/ (supplies important documents, etc.)

- respond to directions from local government authorities regarding possible evacuations or sheltering (North Carolina https://www.nc.gov/ , South Carolina https://scemd.org/ , Virginia https://www.vaemergency.gov , Maryland http://news.maryland.gov/mema/category/emergency-news/ , District of Columbia https://ready.dc.gov/ )

- Sign up for your community’s warning system. The Emergency Alert System (EAS) and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Weather Radio also provide emergency alerts.

- call 911 in case of emergency

- to locate lost ones use https://safeandwell.communityos.org/cms/index.php and https://www.fema.gov/how-do-i-find-my-family or call FEMA 1-800-588-9822.

- check for updates and important announcements / information at the Embassy's social media:



2. In case of emergency, you may contact:

Consular Office in Washington

Tel.: (001202) 9391306   Fax: (001202) 2342803

Emergency Tel: +1 202-578-3361

E-mail: grcon.was@mfa.gr

Web Site : https://www.mfa.gr/usa/en/the-embassy/embassy-sections/consular-office.html

Consulate in Atlanta

Tel.: (001404) 2613313, 2613391 Fax : 2622798

Τηλ. Έκτακτης Ανάγκης: 001 404 704 7083

E-mail: grcon.atl@mfa.gr

Website: https://www.mfa.gr/usa/en/consulate-in-atlanta/

Consulate General in Tampa

Tel.: (001813) 8650-204   Fax: (001813) 8650-206

Emergency Tel: +1-813-690-0188

E-mail: grgencon.tam@mfa.gr

Website: https://www.mfa.gr/usa/en/consulate-general-in-tampa/
